God please lie down

Chapter 1485 Will think a lot

Chapter 1485 Will think a lot

He should have been able to learn those things without a teacher.

Besides, when the love is strong, no matter what you do, it will feel like a love affair between two people.

There was no misunderstanding, and there was nothing to explain.

From this point of view, it is correct.

No matter how many thoughts you have, at this moment, what you can feel is that there is a lot of dog food between two people.

The food is very full.

And the two of them are not the kind to show their affection on purpose, or they make you feel the pressure invisible.

I didn't even think about anything else.

For a lot of time, he was watching and thinking, is there anything wrong with this?
They all said there was no such thing, because they were subconsciously trying to change something in their hearts.

Those things that I didn't know at the beginning, here, it seems that it is no longer just a matter of myself.

After winning the championship, when they went out to eat, they had already seen the picture of Xiao Muchen and Xi Nuan getting along. The atmosphere was harmonious, and there was nothing to think about. After all, everyone's feelings were different. Also only sporadic 01:30.

If you really wait for something, you will know that when you were thinking about things in those years, many things still didn't happen.

Some people and some things should be done after consideration.

Don't really become a scumbag, no matter how you look at it, Xiao Muchen doesn't seem like someone who can be classified into this category.

He is so real.

On weekdays, this is how people behave and do things.

So that you can't find anything wrong, he will tell you directly if he feels uncomfortable.

It feels more like having a clear conscience. Facing you, you don't have to think so much, so why bother.

During the initial period, they confirmed their eyes and knew what is the best.

Even when I turned around, I knew that I would never encounter anything in the pit, but I still felt that this was my story.

If it were someone else, there would be no such fate, let alone such right and wrong.

Some people may say that just thinking about it once doesn’t mean it’s possible now.

Xiao Muchen would let those people slap them in the face. Whatever he thought then, he still thinks now.

There has never been any change, the person in my heart has always been Xi Nuan.

It is true that emotional matters cannot be forced, and once they meet and don't want to let go, then she will only be alone.

Thinking of her so much, and then wanting to do many things with her, is nothing more than that.

In terms of feeling, it can't be too wrong.

Because it is easier to think about, but others may not know.

This is also part of the reason why, when others asked Xiao Muchen, he didn't want to answer.

It was unnecessary in the first place, so why bother to make it known to everyone.

Did he do something wrong?
Not really, he just did what he was supposed to do, and if he really wanted to count, he must start counting when he waited for the best time.

What he found for these people, and even for these things, were only one-sided methods.

It might have been better if it had been made clear.

Think about it, it is at this moment that you will believe that when you did things in those years, did you forget anything.

But there is no reason, because of a person's choice, it has become an obsession for such a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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