God please lie down

Chapter 1494 Wandering

Chapter 1494 Wandering
There is no need to think about right and wrong at all, and those right and wrong things almost don't need to be said when they come to him.

Moreover, have you already realized it a long time ago, maybe even if it has something to do with it, but in the end, what you can give to yourself must be in your heart, and you are already convinced.

Xiao Muchen knows what he should do, or in other words, at this age, he can abandon those relatively naive thoughts.

If it was wrong, then Xiao Muchen would just start over.

He won't give others a chance, and he doesn't want them to believe that when he thinks about it, he insists on it.

When those thoughts are just a thought, he knows that it is not his relationship.

He thought for a long time before he made a lot of decisions.

When you turn around, you will know that whether it is good or not is just a difference of one thought.

He was just afraid of missing that person, and he didn't care about the rest at all.

After such a long time, can others still not know what kind of person he is?
Those teammates never talked about these issues in front of him, gave him a lot of freedom, and made him believe that maybe, at the beginning, he didn't understand much, but at this moment, seeing Xi Nuan, if you still don’t understand anything, then you might be wrong.

A girl as good as Xi Nuan should be very rare for Xiao Muchen.

They know too much, and have understood for too long.

When you don't know whether it's good or bad, you can simply give blessings.

It's rare to see so many smiles on Xiao Muchen's face, it was a long time ago, and now there is no way to describe it.

Even Xie Yuan said that the Xiao Muchen he knew now was completely different from the one in the past.

He still doesn't know where the problem is, but only at this time, if he thinks it over, he can let himself understand that this is what he has been insisting on for such a long time.

Don't leave, don't give up, if you think about it, then do it.

Don't give others any chance, even if those people really think about it, as long as they think about it, then you can see that it doesn't matter.

Everything is still the same as I knew it at the beginning.

I didn't think of it worse, and I didn't think of it better.

He just simply felt that if life is destined to go through such a process, then why not let himself understand it better.

Xiao Muchen has never really been too lazy to take care of these things. In his opinion, there is no need to be clear about these things.

Naturally, in the heart, it already feels good.

But at this moment, he will simply realize that since he doesn't know when, he has been in a state of letting himself think about nothing.

It doesn't matter whether you know it or don't know it, to Xiao Muchen, it's all the same thing.

There is no difference, so he is not willing to think about anything else because of one person.

In the end, things have come to this point, but what needs to be seen will be more profound than before. That's why Xiao Muchen felt that there are not only a few chances in life.

What he wants to see is clearly a better future.

Together with them, you can also let yourself know more.

After going through this section of the road, they will be able to make it clear that many roads are actually far less easy to walk than imagined.

If he hadn't thought about it long ago, he might still be lingering now.

(End of this chapter)

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