God please lie down

Chapter 1497 Didn't You Say It Doesn't Matter

Chapter 1497 Didn't You Say It Doesn't Matter
Xiao Muchen thought for such a long time, but he felt that even if it had something to do with it, it wouldn't matter when he came to him.

He didn't bother to say anything, because once the matter was confirmed, maybe it didn't matter.

For Xiao Muchen, those things that he had never thought about before would not be considered in his heart for too long.

I really think it doesn't make any sense.

That is the scenery that can only be seen in other places occasionally.

For him, there is not much difference.

Xiao Muchen chatted with them at the base for a while, but he didn't feel that there was any change from before winning the championship. It was still these people, and he could still say the same thing.

They didn't feel that such a change would bring much cause and effect.

It's nothing more than when you think about it, you suddenly realize, ah, they still love this place, and it has nothing to do with it.

The story that used to be, after all, has no idea.

In other words, they already knew enough before they realized it.

At this moment, you should never think about it, and, maybe you said it yourself, it is nothing more than here.

The rest, I don't know, I don't know, I can obviously feel it, maybe no matter how much time I encounter, at the end, what I let myself see is nothing more than this.

"Brother Sheng, I knew you'd never forget us after you've been out for such a long time. Sure enough, there are so many delicious foods."

For foodies like them, this is very good news.

It doesn't matter too much about other things, it's just thinking, if there is something, in the end, under normal circumstances, it can be said very well.

Speaking of which, when they do things, they don't think about it, and it seems that after they have thought about it, they can easily know that even in those years, when they study things, there is no superfluous relationship ?

These should be uncertain.

Probably, from here, forget it.

He can obviously feel that it is not his relationship, so the rest is to rethink.

He will think well that in those years, he may not be so clear when facing things, and more importantly, he is not sure whether his thoughts are wrong in the end.

His understanding is still simple.

It's just because of some people that more or less a lot of changes have taken place.

From that moment, people can realize that there will always be someone who can stand up and understand.

Once you understand the excess, then there is nothing.

When they face these things, they should be very sure that that is the truest self.

When you don't think about it, and don't make sure, you won't know. After all, you met too many people, which caused many things to change.

If it is my own wishful thinking, it seems not quite right.

When Xiao Muchen saw these things, his first thought was how they felt in their hearts.

If it's really just my own problem, then I don't have to think about it at all.

After all, the way of thinking about things is different in itself. If they plan to do this, they must have thought very well.

If you want to use your own way to understand everything, that is always your own problem.

(End of this chapter)

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