God please lie down

Chapter 1503 Needless to say

Chapter 1503 Needless to say

Xiao Muchen is a person who rarely goes home, and he seems to have never talked about the affairs of their family with others. After all, at the beginning, he didn't know what his identity was. As for why he chose to retire at that time, Or if there is nothing you want, it will make people feel very strange.

But if he didn't say anything, no one would take the initiative to ask.

After all, things are different from what they expected, so naturally they don't think about it.

Even if there is some reason to hate, it is useless.

It's not like they haven't seen Xiao Muchen's thoughtfulness before.

It's really time to get to know him, there are not many people who can be his opponent.

He really can't figure it out, what is there to think about, they are not what they know, or they have already thought about it.

Those things in the past, when it comes to me, there is really nothing to care about.

That's what they planned, that's what they thought.

Moreover, life needs more challenges, and it should be like this when it comes to me.

If you can't think of anything better, don't do the research.

"I don't know what the family will say about me during the Chinese New Year, but this year I won a championship anyway, and if I say it, it will be more affectionate. I don't think it's anything, but if they think so , That's different. When I first started, I never thought that I would achieve what I am today. But it's because we didn't meet Brother Chen at that time. Brother Chen is really good. In the past, I just I heard his name, but now, after seeing it with my own eyes, I feel that the man is really more powerful than I imagined."

Yu Cheng has forgotten that at that time, it was very difficult for him to walk step by step.

But now, it is very powerful.

Nothing to think about.

This is the fact that at the beginning, I didn't know what had happened, and occasionally, I felt wrong, but there was no change.

At this moment, they seem to have thought about it.

It doesn't seem so simple to say, but it seems to be the case.

They believe that not everyone's life can become what they want.

But at this moment, he will think well.

He's always been doing what he thinks is right.

Even if you really have any thoughts, there is nothing.

Don't procrastinate so long on a matter of a moment. Looking at the past, those former teammates are true, and they don't have the strength to win the championship.

I can't explain it clearly, and I don't understand it very well. Maybe I think too much, and then it's nothing.

Occasionally, I feel that I have already thought a lot.

But at the end, they will know that they have never studied anything in those years.

He didn't know how many of them from those years were left.

Everything is still the same.

Occasionally, for some years, the scenes they missed can still be found.

That's right, that's how it is.

So, when you are not sure, don't think that at those times, they can feel something else.

In this moment, you are thinking the best.

It has nothing to do with other people, when you know it, you know it.

This is everything I want to do well, there is no need to say more.

(End of this chapter)

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