God please lie down

Chapter 1515 Why?

Chapter 1515 Why?

I often ask myself this question, and when I ask, I get confused.

The result of being confused must be that you start to doubt yourself, and you don't know what you have to do to turn the current situation around.

To them, Xiao Muchen must be that kind of existence.

Like a bug, as long as he is there, no one can surpass him.

There are many, but I won't talk about it, and if I talk about it, it may not affect him.

In the past few years, Xiao Muchen has become a school of his own in high school.

No one can replace him, and he was recommended at the beginning, so he didn't need the college entrance examination at all.

Xiao Muchen's education background has always been on the surface, and if one checks carefully, it can be found out.

The main reason is that Xiao Muchen himself didn't take this matter very seriously.

Learning well doesn't mean anything.

He never felt that he had to tell these things in front of others.

After all, there are many times occasionally, and he may not be able to see it.

He dropped out of school and went to play games. For their professors, it was not a very acceptable thing, but Xiao Muchen had already done it, and it was hard to say anything else.

Their professor also knew that his proud disciple had a lot of ideas.

Or others can not persuade it.

He decides things and there will be no doubts.

As if it should be like this, there is no disturbance.

Xiao Muchen told them that most of the time, he couldn't see it, especially he couldn't see what so many things could bring.

He persisted for such a long time and was willing to pay for his own affairs.

All decisions should be like this.

For the rest, there is no idea, let alone a past.

Occasionally, it is only then that she realizes that she was the one she thought she was, but now, it doesn't matter much.

Under normal circumstances, it is best to think of this.

His memory can still remember so many things.

Just to prove that he has always been good.

I thought too much, but I had no idea. Later, I let myself let go of the obsession in my heart.

If the obsession is too deep, it is not very good for oneself.

If he doesn't even know this, how can he mess around.

"Why did you go to the supermarket again, don't you still have so many things to eat?"

When Xi Nuan raised his eyes, he saw Xiao Muchen bought a lot of things again.

In fact, she is not very keen on buying these things, because most of the time, neither of them can eat them.

But Xiao Muchen was keen to do something different for Xi Nuan, and Xi Nuan clearly felt that his weight had started to increase.

This is really bad, but there is no way.

He still likes to eat the things he makes.

I like it so much, I want to eat clean when I try to gain weight.

There's no way, when you like someone, that's the feeling, Aiwujiwu.

You will see many things related to him in your eyes, and all things are caused by him.

There is no other reason, and there is no need to know.

Everyone, everything, can't beat him.

Xi Nuan would think about many things, and more importantly, she would remember this person.

I never thought that in those years, I really never thought so much because of one person.

It seems that she knows a lot of things.

But it seems that there is nothing to make myself miss.

(End of this chapter)

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