God please lie down

Chapter 1517 Do You Want Me Help?

Chapter 1517 Do You Want Me Help?

It was because at the beginning, Xiao Muchen didn't think about it, and Xiao Muchen didn't seem to take it to heart.

Later, he felt that he had already said everything clearly, so they couldn't help but think about it.

From here, I may see more than before.

What kind of person Xiao Muchen is, sometimes even he himself is not aware of it too clearly. For him, it is nothing more than, after reaching this step, and then think about it, the former self may be at the beginning. Didn't even take it to heart.

It's not like he doesn't know anything, but just thinking about it, he always feels that when he does things, there is a little lack, and then he doesn't know how to describe it.

In the future, when he really has no plans, he feels that wherever he goes, it will be quite troublesome.

But now, seeing Xi Nuan, he didn't have any worries at all.

He doesn't care what others say, and he won't allow so many things to happen around him.

He can understand that when others do things, they will look twice and see what they have done.

He is not someone who often thinks about these things, or he has already thought clearly in his heart.

But the most fearful thing is that when the time comes, I will feel nothing.

Did you already know this? At the beginning, you didn't say these words, but now, it doesn't matter.

When they think so, it is obvious that they have considered what kind of thoughts they have in their hearts at that moment.

To them, that is as it should be.

In the eyes of others, who knows.

They don't seem to have any other feelings about these, nothing more than, what do you think, that's how it is.

The rest of the story, you can leave it to yourself or others, it's all those questions that they never thought about.

This time, Xiao Muchen had made up his mind, so he didn't feel embarrassed.

What should be said, will still be said.

After finishing speaking, it is not clear whether there will be any other results.

Xiao Muchen kept those words in his heart, and there was nothing to think about.

In his eyes, he should not take these things seriously.

Xiao Muchen was already a famous person, in his eyes, he didn't see that much at all.

He would have said it, and behind those words, they might have something funny to say.

But when there is no opportunity, there is nothing.

You will think about it, or you will understand it, but you don't know what will be waiting for you.

This is the reason why they haven't explained these few words clearly for such a long time.

It's not unreasonable, but very possible, but it's not the kind of result I want.

So much so that, even though everything is clear in their hearts, when they speak, they are somewhat hidden.

He will not represent these things in the past, and even from this moment, he has expressed his attitude.

How to do it, or in other words, how to prepare, is the answer in my heart.

"Then do you want me to help?"

Seeing Xiao Muchen take such a pile of things, Xi Nuan felt that if he did it himself, it would be a waste of electricity time.

He still remembered that those words, when he said them, were not what he thought they were, but when he said them, they were different.

(End of this chapter)

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