God please lie down

Chapter 1519 You Can't Be Wrong

Chapter 1519 You Can't Be Wrong
He knows everything, and he thinks everything is pretty good. Sometimes when he thinks about it, he still feels that when he faced these things in those years, he might not be as perfect as he thought.

But it seems that there will not be too many problems left.

It was just right to persevere.

They either don't understand, or they explain everything clearly.

I don't leave opportunities for others, and I don't want them to understand that my later self has already given up the original idea.

You know, just a little bit of simplicity.

It's just that there are some things that have diverged from the previous methods.

He also said that what happened at those times was his own story, and he had no better plans.

If it's just because of my own answer, then it's something else.

I used to think that it was my own story, but in my heart, when I recognized this person and this matter, I only thought about it, and there was no excessive requirement.

Then if it is good, if you say it, it is the same as not saying it.

These few of them need to know more.

Anyway, wherever Xi Nuan's eyes looked, Xiao Muchen was everywhere.

Don't ask why, because he doesn't know why.

He is nothing more than a person who thinks a lot, and then feels that there may be a lot of things left for you to give, but when he comes to himself, there is nothing to say at all.

It should be the story.

"You always watch what I do, don't you have to do something?"

When Xiao Muchen first came back, he was very happy watching Xi Nuan busy there, but now it seems that there is no movement at all.

I have no idea what she's doing.

"It's enough to see you, there is nothing else, I can't do it anymore."

Xi Nuan is true, looking at these black and white words, I instantly feel that there is no meaning.

At the beginning, she originally wanted to translate the content in her hand and send it to the professor.

Now, it's a little more difficult.

I don't know why, but suddenly I can't think of how many things I have been waiting for for so long.

Then how much time was missed, there is nothing to think about.

It's just because when I put it here, more things happened.

Occasionally, he would consider whether it was his own problem, and if not, he might as well forget about it.

A waste of time and a waste of mind.

But Xiao Muchen probably wouldn't care about these.

But as soon as Xiao Muchen opened his mouth, Xi Nuan couldn't help it.

"I'm real, you are here, how can I do things with peace of mind."

Xiao Muchen laughed instead, "What's the matter, are you looking at me now, so you can't do things? That's true, it seems that I delayed you."

Although Xiao Muchen thought so, it was clear that he didn't take this matter to heart.

Xi Nuan should have been translating for a long time and felt a little tired, so he wanted to take a rest for a while. If he really said it, it had nothing to do with him.

Even if there is a relationship, it shouldn't be a big deal.

He hadn't said these words to others, but when he thought about it occasionally, he would see many different things.

He thought about it, during the initial period of time, he probably didn't think much about it.

But in fact, he also understands it very well.

"Take a break. If I keep grinding like this, I don't even know what else I should do. You know, my mood right now is just like a roller coaster."

(End of this chapter)

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