God please lie down

Chapter 1521 Not Absolutely

Chapter 1521 Not Absolutely

Xiao Muchen was originally a person with no real intentions. In his eyes, he needed a reason to do anything, but it was not so absolute.

In many cases, although I have thought about it, it is clear that I can't see clearly when I haven't thought about it.

These few of them didn't know when, nor did they know what was left after that.

How many stories can only be known at the end, and they will not follow their own meaning.

Just like life, it will bring him many surprises.

But maybe until the end, I don't know how important my own thoughts are.

They really didn't know, and Xiao Muchen really didn't think about it.

In his world, the few people he met were all very kind to him, the kind who couldn't bear to say anything.

Even if something happened, it should be resolved as early as possible.

What else, who knows.

But Xiao Muchen's mood did not become better because of this.

Most of the time, when he doesn't speak, it proves that he is thinking.

He doesn't understand these things.

But learning this kind of thing itself is not so easy to do.

But he can.

Many things he said, until the end, still have to be in my heart.

He didn't want to be so clear, he would rather be confused than live so real, it was simply because he had already found it at the beginning.

Speaking of those stories, they may be very far away from me.

But the rest of the people are even the things.

Not much has changed because of this.

He is a person who has learned so much.

In many cases, I know that whether it is at the beginning or at this time, I am already the best.

And when they think about things, they obviously think a lot.

In the end, when I was not sure whether it was my own problem or someone else's, just looking at it like this, I also felt that it was not meaningless at all.

While Xiao Muchen was busy in the kitchen, Xi Nuan washed a lot of fruits outside.

She is really boring.

I don't want to do translation, and I don't want to play games.

Watching Xiao Muchen cook, he will be fascinated.

After a while, the whole person does not know where the eyes should be placed.

In the past, she had never been so interested in a person, so sometimes, she didn't know how to get along.

What is the most normal.

Xiao Muchen said that sometimes, he could feel Xi Nuan's sincere eyes.

He couldn't bear to refuse.

For the girl he protects so much, whatever he does is good.

Even if it is willful, he can bear it.

At this point, there is no need to discuss with others at all.

The fact is nothing more than that, occasionally, although I can feel it, but in my heart, I still have some thoughts.

Perhaps, there is something else that was inadvertently left out.

But it's okay, it's not the kind where you can't find a chance at all.

Although they said that it's okay, they don't care.

But in the end, you will find that Xiao Muchen will learn slowly in many places that others can't see.

He is really not a person who will give up easily. In his heart, to do anything, he just needs an opportunity.

Give it to him, and he will slowly study and understand it.

There is nothing to embarrass, for him, it is just a matter of spending a little time.

(End of this chapter)

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