God please lie down

Chapter 1524 No need to praise

Chapter 1524 No need to praise

After they toss about like this, it's much better.

At least it is impossible to have any misunderstandings, and occasionally even if you think about it, there may still be some different scenery.

He didn't know what he planned at the beginning, but when he thought it over, he would know.

So this is also a choice Xiao Muchen gave himself, there may be many differences.

But for me, I don't need to understand so much, what it should look like is what it looks like.

It's not good to think too much.

They spend so much time that when they think about things, they come up with many different ideas.

This should be no problem.

In every aspect of Xiao Muchen's thinking, those that belong to him and those that don't belong to him are not considered mistakes.

His simple reasoning, in the end, only left him alone.

In the end, I don't know.

At the beginning, I thought this was the best look.

It was only later that I discovered that there are many things that have something to do with other people.

He didn't think about it, but it didn't mean it didn't exist.

It should be like this, and then I think about it clearly. Looking into my heart, I probably already take these words to heart.

Don't think that it doesn't matter.

After thinking about it, I realized that it was what I wanted.

Occasionally, when you feel it, you won't think too far.

In myself, if this is the case, there is nothing to take care of.

"I don't need yours, I can make money by myself, the kind that can make a lot of money."

"You don't know, and I won't tell you. You can guess it yourself."

Xi Nuan went around in circles, and didn't tell Xiao Muchen directly, because she felt that most of the time, it was interesting to have secrets.

It's all clear, how to play.

She thought about it, life should be full of secrets everywhere.

She really thought about it, life is never a matter of one person.

Therefore, you have to do what you think is right, and then you can go without so many troubles.

What other people think has nothing to do with them.

"Are you going back to Seoul for Chinese New Year?"

Xi Nuan doesn't know what Xiao Muchen's plan is now, but she can ask.

If so, even if it's Chinese New Year, it's not like the two of them have no chance to meet each other at all.

As long as you want to, you can do anything.

"Well, go back there. If I have time, I will take you out to play. However, during the Chinese New Year, many shopping malls are closed, and I don't know where to go. If you miss me, you can video. Anyway, I , there is nothing wrong, don't be afraid to delay me."

"For you, I never think it's a delay. I also think that this is the best look. If it were someone else, I might say something else, but you are different."

The movements of Xiao Muchen's hands didn't stop at all, the cucumber was already shredded.

Very good knife work.

Xi Nuan looked surprised.

This guy is real, awesome.

so amazing.

If Xi Nuan came, she could chop off her own hand directly.

Maybe this is the difference between a master and a rookie. It's no wonder that Xiao Muchen is good at playing games. As long as his hand speed is fast enough, there seems to be nothing he can't do.

This is what Xi Nuan thought in her heart. When she first started, she really did not expect this.

Because she herself had a lot of fantasies, and it was only at the end that she suddenly realized it.

After the reaction came to his senses, it was already a human being who praised him.

(End of this chapter)

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