God please lie down

Chapter 1526 It's not that I don't care

Chapter 1526 It's not that I don't care

He said that he didn't care about it long ago, but at this time, there is no chance for him to speak. He didn't give it to him, and he didn't want him to know.

In fact, it is quite sad, after all, they are my parents, but they don't understand me very well.

They don't know at all what they are thinking in their hearts, some don't understand, and they don't know how to speak.

It seems that I have been preparing for a long time, but in the end, it is really not these things that I can let myself see and understand.

Xiao Muchen thought about it, but it was not the best.

So he was convinced that those were just the past for himself.

I thought about it or didn't think about it. I think it's because I have seen it, so I think there is nothing wrong with it.

There is nothing wrong with it, after all, what they said at the beginning was very serious.

But what the truth looks like, they really don't know very well.

Later, I still didn't come to them, and I didn't let them say anything.

Occasionally, when I think about it, I still feel that there are many thoughts. In the end, I still feel that it is impossible for him to leave here before the end of his own story.

Who knows how many things I thought about in those years.

But in their eyes, it's nothing more than that if you do it, you can do it so well.

When they think about it, they can still feel that the past that belongs to them has never ended.

Still here, occasionally, I still feel that the thoughts I gave to myself are simply because I haven't figured it out yet.

They also don't know what kind of words can be said well.

And there are some things that they don't know.

Even if it really got to this point, it doesn't seem to matter.

After thinking about it, it goes without saying that it has nothing to do with it, they should wait for it, and let others see the rest, it doesn't seem to be the case.

Anyway, Xi Nuan didn't think about these things, after all, in his heart, he should know those words, he had said those words a long time ago, or it might be because he hadn't been able to think about them before.

But at this moment, after knowing it, if you still pretend that nothing exists, it may be a little troublesome.

They shouldn't have thought so.

In anyone's heart, there will be such an illusion that it is not the best.

Moreover, who knows whether they still remember what they said in the past.

They will never be able to feel the person they keep in their hearts.

It's just divided. At the beginning, I will feel it, but it's not as good as I thought.

In their hearts, decisively, they have thought about a lot of things related to the past.

"Don't talk about it, I guess you don't like to hear it. If you want to eat, remember to tell me. Even if you don't know, I can learn it. I hope to give you the feeling that I can be very powerful. Even if you don't tell me, I can find a way."

"A lot of times, when I look at you, I don't know what you want to say next, but I also feel that if you don't say anything, I will be a little embarrassed, but in fact everything is okay , I don't know everything, but in terms of feelings, I may know, not that much."

If Xiao Muchen was good at it, he wouldn't have waited until now.

He waited until now to explain that there are some things that he really doesn't understand.

(End of this chapter)

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