God please lie down

Chapter 1534 Not Difficult To Get Along With

Chapter 1534 Not Difficult To Get Along With
If they didn't know whether it was someone else's idea or their own, they might only realize it at Xiao Muchen's place in a daze, and it was definitely not just a simple story.

If they had thought about it long ago, they might not have so much to say.

It's not that they have to do something, but in many senses, they trust each other very much.

Whether it is the former teammates or the people we will meet on the road in the future, they are actually not the same.

If you really want to say it, that is, you think a lot casually, but what can be realized is far away from these.

It is precisely because of this that we know that not many people can see, in their hearts, what they have been pursuing for so long.

Only when they think about it can they realize that at this time, they have already talked about it.

He may not believe other people's words.

What to do, only what you see is the best.

Talking to them is the same as not starting.

It’s not that I’ve seen it myself, so it must be true.

Although such a long time has passed and the turmoil of winning the championship has subsided, there will always be people who bring up old things again, which makes Xiao Muchen feel very distressed.

It was nothing at first, so why is it necessary to make such a fuss?

If it were someone else, he would definitely not feel that way, but if it was someone around him, he might not be able to explain it clearly.

After all, they didn't find many words.

Moreover, at this moment, it might be best for Xiao Muchen not to respond.

If he stood up and said something, someone would definitely say that he was leading the rhythm.

But what rhythm does he have to lead? Isn't what he said true?

It's just that some people don't want to believe it.

In Xiao Muchen's heart, there is no need.

The explanation is not clear, let them go.

If I want to add some troubles to myself, I hope it is related to Xi Nuan.

Rather than these trivial matters of life, it is really because there is no need.

When I first learned about this, I thought about it. When you haven’t met the best people, you will never know what to do in the next time.

But when someone helps to plan, it will feel very troublesome.

He may be such a person. If there are too many, he will feel bored, and there is no need for others to say anything.

Because they can't feel what is the best, even if everything is missed, they will insist on thinking in their own way, whether this is what they should do.

He has been aware of it since a long time ago. Most of the time, he doesn't say these words, just because he hasn't thought about it clearly.

But now, it is different.

After they have seen it, they feel that there is nothing wrong with it.

With Xiao Muchen's temperament, he really won't cause trouble for them, let alone become the target of others' attacks.

His temperament of not fighting or grabbing, just like a few years ago, has not changed at all.

Even if earth-shaking changes have taken place outside, it may not have much to do with him.

I think they just told themselves, and then they felt that there is nothing, and it must be at this time that they can make it clear.

Maybe it would have been better had it been earlier.

But at that time, what were they thinking.

I don't know, and there is no need to know.

Just like this, others will think that Xiao Muchen is a difficult person to get along with.

(End of this chapter)

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