God please lie down

Chapter 1545 My Heart Is Empty

Chapter 1545 My Heart Is Empty

Separation is always inevitable. In many cases, they themselves know that it is impossible.

But most of the time, you never know what to do next.

Once you say it, you have to understand that whether it was in the past or now, you are still here.

She would think about this person, and even when she got in the car, she couldn't calm down very much.

I still think of his appearance, always feel that this person is by my side, and then, don’t think about it, but after thinking about it for a long time, I still feel that it is really not what I thought.

If you just said a little bit, you won't be wrong, and you won't go too far.

Once there is such a separation in life, you will know how happy the original time of gathering is.

They met in such an environment, saw very funny things, and met a lot of people.

Most of the time, I don't dare.

For her, the time when she could not see Xiao Muchen was more or less difficult for her.

When I am alone, I feel that whether it is loneliness or darkness, they are already surrounding me.

It doesn't feel good, but it can't be helped.

Some words, many people may not believe it.

But they have come all the way to this point, it is really impossible to say clearly.

There will also be many people who don't believe it. After all, if they really want to think about it, they have to know that this is not something that one person can feel.

He used to feel nothing else.

Only when you think of something can you know that when you meet these people, you should hold them tightly in the palm of your hand.

Xiao Muchen was at the station, he sent Xi Nuan to the car before turning back. .

Before Xi Nuan left, she hugged him tightly.

Just like that, I don't want people to leave at all.

Xiao Muchen knew that he was greedy for the feeling of having someone by his side.

It's just that the explanation is not clear, but I don't really want to explain it.

He always thought it was good.

If it was him in the past, he probably wouldn't be so affectionate.

I don't know what's wrong now, but after getting the grade he wanted, he felt even more sad. He didn't dare to say that it wasn't his problem, but once he remembered it, he had to understand that this was his problem. idea.

Sometimes, although I am not very sure, but since I have done it, it is necessary to be more clear.

Only those who have known about it will know that occasionally someone will understand a lot, but it is not until the end that they will slowly see something.

After watching Xi Nuan get into the car, Xiao Muchen's heart was somewhat empty.

It's like feeling full all the time, but at the end, I realized that a large part of it was suddenly empty.

I can't describe it, it's like something I cherished for a long time, just left my side.

After all, he was the only one who waited for such a long time.

But now, sometimes, he doesn't know what to say.

I feel like I know this person well enough, but in fact, I don't.

Like in the past, he was able to find some excuses for himself, but now, he couldn't say a word.

That's it, nothing.

He had no choice but to comfort himself like this, as if he had explained everything clearly, telling himself, don't think about it, if you think about it, you will never be able to really let go.

(End of this chapter)

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