God please lie down

Chapter 1563 Do Anything For Her

Chapter 1563 Do Anything For Her
He is different. Although he can't understand it, it will never make people feel that he can't do anything.

The attachment deep in my heart completely changed when I met this person.

Going out to do errands always takes some time.

I already knew it, so I don't need to say anything.

That's how they are, basically, you don't know yet, some words, before you say them, I'm afraid you will make yourself understand a lot.

If it hadn't happened, who would think about it.

It took Xi Nuan two days, and without Xiao Muchen's interruption, he finally finished the translation materials in his hand.

She felt that if she couldn't finish it, it would almost be after the Chinese New Year.

The professor was afraid that he could directly lift the table for her. What's the matter with him, no, it's a big matter. .

There is no negotiating on this matter.

Xi Nuan himself knew that this period of time was somewhat delayed.

Now it seems that it is very good.

Before she came back, Xiao Muchen gave Xi Nuan the key to the house in Seoul.

Xiao Muchen bought a house very early, and when he finished his first year of career, he had enough to buy a house.

I didn't have much money, so I bought a small apartment.

A small duplex of more than 100 square meters, the decoration is very simple, but the furniture is very complete and there is a lot of space.

It's different from other people's small apartments. How should I put it, Xiao Muchen spent a lot of thought on the decoration of the house.

It's not that just pretending to be hungry, but he found a well-known designer to maximize the utilization of the space, and only then did he have the current scale.

I have to say that he is still very thoughtful about this matter.

He didn't tell others that he still has high requirements for decoration.

Otherwise, it wouldn't take so long.

The decoration was completed when I was a freshman, and then it was put on hold for more than a year, and I went to live in the dormitory.

Moved in later.

What Xiao Muchen's family has the most is things for the kitchen.

Xiao Muchen doesn't do it often, but he will ask a lot for those who use it.

I have to say that many times, thinking about things cannot be so simple.

Xiao Muchen is really impeccable in doing things, he thought about giving his house to Xi Nuan, just because he was afraid that when she would be unhappy, he could come directly to him.

I don't have any other thoughts, I don't think about abducting other people's children to elope or something.

He didn't have that thought, and if he really did, he wouldn't make it so obvious.

Anyway, I am afraid that she will be homeless.

And the two are already together, there is nothing that cannot be shared.

Don't say it, just don't want to be so unfamiliar.

At the beginning, they felt that once they realized it, they would not feel that they had missed anything.

When two people are together, you can think about nothing or do nothing.

Only by putting it in the bottom of my heart will people realize that this is the best.

I don't want others to see, and I don't want them to know that I once liked someone, very much, and they are still together today.

Speaking of which, it's not like what they are now, anyway, I just feel that there is nothing wrong with it.

Thinking about it, he felt very happy.

Xiao Muchen can do many things for Xi Nuan, no matter whether he has tried it before or not, there will still be opportunities in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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