God please lie down

Chapter 1567 Can't figure out why

Chapter 1567 Can't figure out why

Few people could understand that he was thinking too many things in his heart at that time, and in the end, he almost forgot how he thought about it.

There is no reason, at this moment, it suddenly became clear.

He wouldn't ask why he must have thought so much at that time, but since he had already thought about it, there was nothing left.

The relationship with Yu Sheng has always been very good.

I don't understand anything else, and I don't want to think about it. Occasionally, I have a lot of time and give it to myself, so I should be much clearer.

Don't worry about it, don't even think about it.

Don't let yourself understand the rest of right and wrong, perhaps, this is a very good thing.

Then there have been so many results in life, but with the answer in my heart, I don’t have to think about other things.

No one knows how to think about a person's affairs in order to be able to think so clearly, but at this moment, no matter who he meets, as long as he can persist, he can let his heart have thoughts. for such a long time.

Don't worry about it anymore, and don't let yourself fall into a very passive situation.

Maybe that's what it's like.

After making an appointment with Yu Sheng, Xiao Muchen was actually quite happy in his heart.

He hasn't seen Yu Sheng for a long time, he is playing games, and most of the time, he can't see him, and he doesn't know what to say when he returns.

After all, circles are different. Many times, even if we meet, there is nothing to talk about.

But this brother, he always felt very good.

When there is something, he can be with him.

I never mind how far away it is, just come as soon as you say it.

He is a very gentle person. Many times, he will let you see the stars and the sea, and feel that everything is not a problem.

Although I haven't thought about it that much about other things, since I have thought about it in my heart, it should be good to have thought about it.

For the rest, there is no need to say more, they can all understand.

At this moment, in your heart, you still have to realize that so many people have done so many things, but only your brother is always by his side.

No one knows what kind of person Yu Sheng is.

Anyone who knows him knows that.

In the circle of LPL, Yu Sheng is very famous.

Xiao Muchen knows that he is also a very difficult person, so many times, he thinks that he can help. He has never been stingy, but the book has passed for a long time.

I really can't figure it out, those individuals in the past seem to be at the end, they can't see at all, what is the reason why they have come all the way to the present.

But it seems that now, it has become very good.

There is no need to make sure, let alone use a few words to study something.

As he said, they don't dare to think about many things at all.

Because if you think about it, you will feel that there is no use in these things.

The thoughts at this moment should be very simple.

He has already forgotten, at that time, his thoughts on everything that he showed.

Maybe even if it is thrown here, I don't think there is anything wrong, but at this moment, it seems that it is already unclear.

Whether you understand it or not, it doesn't matter.

What kind of attitude they take to look at these things will definitely have what kind of results.

(End of this chapter)

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