God please lie down

Chapter 1573 Knowing His Past

Chapter 1573 Knowing His Past
Before Yu Sheng and Xiao Muchen, they just chatted, they could say anything.

Although the two of them don't have much to talk about, they have known each other for such a long time, and they can still reach an agreement on many things.

Either you don't say it, or once you open your mouth, you have to make it clear. It's so simple.

All in all, time flies by quickly.

During this meal, he didn't drink or say anything else. Now it seems that he doesn't understand anything.

It was just some things in the circle that both of them selectively turned a blind eye to.

There is no need to talk about it, what is there to think about.

There are some messy things in any circle. It's not that if you don't talk about it, you can pretend that nothing happened.

Anyway, as long as you don't care, it doesn't matter, they still think so.

Moreover, there will be people who realize that this moment is their own responsibility.

They are all people who have signed contracts with different teams. Many times, they dare not think about it, and because of these things that happened, they knew very well in their hearts that some things can be done, but oh Xu, things are Can't do it.

After I was convinced, I told myself that after so many things happened, all the results would not matter so much.

Everything looks the same as what I realized.

"Anyway, there have been ups and downs recently. There is no certainty. If you win the championship, your career will be over. I still think that people should have dreams, and they can't stop here."

Xiao Muchen thought about this year's results, and then thought about it, he is still very young now, and there is still room for hard work and leeway.

"It's good. While you're young, work hard for a while longer and give yourself a chance. I knew you could do it. When you left, I felt it was a pity. Fortunately, you used to come back. Otherwise, I wouldn't have Feel sorry for you."

Yu Sheng had heard a little about his withdrawal from the social circle at the beginning, and he also knew about the things in his family.

So, he didn't stop it.

He knew that Xiao Muchen had his own ideas. As a brother, he talked a lot, and it might be off topic.

It's useless, and it won't affect the final decision.

More importantly, I want Xiao Muchen to settle down for a while.

Calm down, there is nothing wrong with it.

When Yu Sheng is free, he will also watch the live broadcast, and then browse for gifts.

When Xiao Muchen first did the live broadcast, he wasn't very popular, and he was supported by these former friends.

Later, when someone dug him out, he was Mu Chen, so it was better.

Muchen's reputation is naturally great.

Although he has retired from the circle, his fame is still there.

After all, he is a professional player, the one who became famous in one battle.

His operation is very good, this is a fact that all players have to admit, so, even when he does not speak in the live broadcast, the effect is very good.

Even someone like Yu Sheng who doesn't watch the live broadcast very much knows that if he opens his mouth to say a few words during the live broadcast, the screen will probably be full of gifts.

There are piles of routines in the live broadcast.

I can't explain clearly, and I don't understand.

But at that time, he was really happy to see Xiao Muchen's live broadcast was very good.

After all, it could somewhat soothe his heart at that time.

If you don't leave, it doesn't matter at all.

Professional players like them, really, if it wasn't for love, they wouldn't have lasted for such a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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