God please lie down

Chapter 1585 Just Right Here

Chapter 1585 Just Right Here
During this period of time, Xiao Muchen has indeed done a lot of things, and some things would not exist if he didn't admit it.

During this period of time, they are really not. There is some past. To make it clear, it just passed away.

It was only later that I realized that it was really not my problem.

Occasionally, sometimes, if you miss it, don't say it, it's here, and it doesn't matter.

People like them really can't figure it out.

Xiao Muchen is willing to play with them, and then has many thoughts, which will happen when he knows or doesn't know.

No one knows what Xiao Muchen is thinking in his heart, maybe once he does it, he doesn't need to care about it at all.

To be clear, that's one thing.

It's not clear, that's another result.

When Xiao Muchen got along with them, he was very serious.

It doesn't matter if you lead them to score points, or to fight against each other, Xiao Muchen will pay for the final win or loss anyway.

He never made them feel uncomfortable. He just has the ability to do this.

Being able to arrange everything when you don't know it.

Nothing else, I haven't been sure.

When Xiao Muchen woke up the next day, the weather was still fine again.

He originally thought that if the weather was bad, he would find an excuse for himself and not go out.

It just so happens that you can stay at home, eat and drink.

I don't want to go out, I want to be an otaku, there's nothing wrong with that.

Xiao Muchen didn't have to like the outside world that much, but he just felt that he should go out for a walk.

Take a breath of fresh air, and it may be much better when writing programs.

Xiao Muchen went out in a car. He didn't have many cars, they were all used for transportation, so he didn't buy a high-end car.

On the other hand, both Seoul and Liangcheng have left one.

It is just for the convenience of driving when going out, especially during the Chinese New Year period, it is more difficult to take a taxi.

So if he wasn't lazy, he would just drive the car by himself.

After Xiao Muchen arrived at the supermarket, he first browsed the fresh produce section, and then went to the vegetable section.

The two men finished their walk and went to buy some seasonings.

He turned around and went to the snack area to buy a bunch of things. He didn't eat it himself, but he thought that Xi Nuan might come over after the next year. , I feel that my life is even more icy.

Xiao Muchen didn't want her to have such an impression, so he thought, he still needs to prepare some.

Otherwise, when Xi Nuan comes, maybe it really is, and there is nothing to think about.

Definitely speak for yourself.

In order to avoid being talked about, Xiao Muchen still felt that he had to make some preparations.

Looking back, I am not being perfunctory.

Sometimes Xiao Muchen felt that this was really not what he had prepared.

What can be said, Xi Nuan's personality has always been different from what he thought.

Basically, where you can see, she has always been gentle.

I have never seen her get angry, and she is so gentle and polite to everyone.

She looks like a temperless person, even Xiao Muchen can't imagine what it will be like if one day she gets angry, but she dare not provoke her.

She was angry, so she had to coax her.

This story may not be considered sad.

But the problem is that Xiao Muchen is not very good at coaxing people, this is the most embarrassing thing.

Anyway, when things come to him, let alone not thinking enough, no matter how perfect the thinking is, it will not help.

(End of this chapter)

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