God please lie down

Chapter 1589 What's wrong with me having my own ideas

Chapter 1589 What's wrong with me having my own ideas

Xi Nuan spoke quickly, and before her parents came back, she had already prepared a lot of opening remarks.

How can I say it so that it doesn't appear so abrupt.

After thinking about it for a long time, I realized that perhaps, telling the truth is the best.

There is no need to look for any opportunity, let alone look for anything else.

Just say it in front of them.

As soon as Xi Nuan's voice fell, she saw that the expression on Mother Xi's face immediately turned cold.

"What's your name, what do you do, how old is it?"

In that way, he looks like a person who is checking the household registration.

"I can't tell you what it's called. It's one year older than me. It's a computer major at Hanko University. It's currently a professional e-sports player."

Xi Nuan threw the words in front of her parents, and the ground below exploded like a thunderbolt.

"What, gamers? How many times have I told you that playing games is not doing your job properly? Do you think that you can't control you if your wings are hardened? Do you know what to do at home? Is your route not good?"

Mother Xi didn't even have half of her usual reservedness, so she was almost slapped in the face.

"What do you think we are so busy every day? Isn't it all for your own good, what about you? If you don't study hard and talk about your partner, do you think you can do it?"

Xi's mother's words sounded like nonsense to Xi Nuan.

What and what?
She's dating someone, delaying her studies?Her grades in professional courses have always been very good, and she was able to get a scholarship from the school. This is something that a person who is not good at learning can do?
What happened to her commentary?What's the delay?It's nothing more than doing what she likes, and she doesn't get in the way of anyone.

"What did I do wrong? Haven't I followed your path for so many years? Why can't I have my own thoughts occasionally, why must I follow your ideas? I am living like this now, and I am I don't feel any discomfort, the reason why you are angry is because you don't understand anything, you don't know, you just stand on a high ground and blame others."

Xi Nuan also has a lot of things in her heart, and she has always wanted to tell her parents.

But there was never any chance, the three of them never sat down and had a good talk.

Everyone has their own ideas, and there's nothing wrong with that.

However, not everything can be resolved in this way.

They can talk, but how to talk is the best way, no one knows.

At the beginning, I thought that maybe things were very different from what I thought, and what I was most afraid of was that in the end, there would be no chance.

It's all right now, she has said all these words, so she doesn't need to hold them down in her heart.

Don't even feel that this is your own burden.

Xiao Muchen's appearance should not be without a name.

He is so good, he can be worth everything in this world.

So Xi Nuan didn't want him to stay with his parents without even having a name.

Just say it so openly, if there is any problem, she will take care of it.

When you love someone, you want to give him what you think is the best.

Feelings are always priceless.

And this liking is what she considers the most precious gift in her life.

(End of this chapter)

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