God please lie down

Chapter 1593 I'm fine

Chapter 1593 I'm fine
After Xi Nuan and his parents finished talking about this matter, they went straight back to their room.

I don't plan to stay in the living room too much, the atmosphere here is very weird, something she can't describe.

After thinking about it for a long time, she felt that she was not so great. Before she opened her mouth, she felt that she could do a lot of things.

But now, in front of parents, after all, it is impossible to be so confident.

After all, it is the grace of nurturing oneself, so many times, it is impossible to make everything appear as it should be.

Xi Nuan also knew that she had no position.

But I still want to say it.

The unbearable kind.

I really want to tell Xiao Muchen to each of my relatives, why.

Because he is very good.

When Xi Nuan mentioned him, he would feel very happy, even when he was very troubled, hearing his voice would calm down all his emotions.

That person is the best medicine to heal yourself.

Xi Nuan thought, this year, it was because of him that he felt happier.

When she was not sure, she would think about how Xiao Muchen would think about this matter if it was changed.

Xiao Muchen is more mature than him, and he is more thoughtful in his actions.

Especially during this period of time, I have thought about a lot of things, and nothing else.

During this period of time, even when they were telling each other their hearts, Xiao Muchen was extremely pampered.

I can't wait to solve everything for Xi Nuan so that she can be happy.

Sometimes Xi Nuan also thinks, if Xiao Muchen has a younger sister, he is definitely a very qualified brother.

Xiao Muchen is a very flirtatious boy.

Doing things is not pretentious, but it just gives you a very pleasant feeling.

There is no requirement for you, you can do whatever you want.

Xi Nuan was still thinking that he has done some things to the extreme.

It is true to have such a person by my side, there is nothing I can ask for.

Where he can see, do what he thinks is good, maybe that's it.

Nothing else, I haven't thought much about it.

Xi Nuan returned to her room, took her mobile phone and sent Xiao Muchen a WeChat message.

[Heart Warm Xiangyang: I told my parents about our affairs. I didn't expect them to come back suddenly, but it's okay if they come back. I just took this opportunity to talk about it. 】

[Chen Nuan: Your parents didn't mention you, right? If they did, you can tell me, and then I will visit your parents with a gift. 】

[Xinnuan Xiangyang: It's okay, I've already told them, and they won't be at home for the New Year, they probably will go out in a while. 】

As soon as Xi Nuan sent the news, Xiao Muchen called.

The tone can be heard, but also slightly worried.

"Didn't everyone tell you that it's okay, why did you call me? My parents are like this. They are strict with me on weekdays. They always feel that they should do something to me, but I thought about it. Are you What kind of person, I know better than others. So I know, I can rest assured."

"I can't explain more to them. I guess they don't want to listen. Anyway, I just want them to accept you. It's just a notice, and I don't want to discuss it."

Xi Nuan was slightly annoyed, thinking of her parents' attitude, she really felt that she might not be her own.

Why does it seem to be full of twists and turns when it comes to emotional matters?

She didn't say much, and introduced everything that should be introduced, except that Xiao Muchen's name was not mentioned.

(End of this chapter)

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