God please lie down

Chapter 1598 His Intention

Chapter 1598 His Intention
Xiao Muchen is just a person who doesn't think about anything, and only relies on hard power to toss so far.

His words are very important, but it doesn't mean that everyone can listen to him.

Xiao Muchen didn't talk about it, he was doing his own thing during this period of time, but he didn't feel that it would have any impact.

The conditions and treatment Xie Yuan gave him were very good, Xiao Muchen was not unmoved.

Before he knew what state he would recover to, Xie Yuan gave him a lot of trust.

So Xiao Muchen felt that maybe many fans also had the same thoughts, and they were always in this game, waiting for him to come back.

If he really just passed by like that, maybe it was really nothing.

Even if he didn't return to this arena, maybe Xiao Muchen could still live very well.

But that kind of life is not what he thinks, let alone what he wants.

Only then did I know that some contradictory things will be slowly passed and smoothed over time.

I am afraid that only at that moment can you feel the kindness from this world.

For Xiao Muchen, although it was not much, it was enough for him to stand up.

In those years, I had the idea of ​​being very young, and I would also think about it. Maybe the past time was just a challenge to me.

He didn't have any fear, let alone feel that when everything came to an end, there was nothing.

He just hopes that when he decides, it will be true.

You never quite know what kind of thoughts you have in your heart when you choose to leave.

Or, that's how it should be.

It's just that they didn't know it. The years Xiao Muchen walked alone was not a textbook, but he slowly climbed up all the way and defeated himself, only then did he feel that this was the best.

If you can't even pass this level of your own, wouldn't it be useless at all.

I have regretted and missed it, so I know that some decisions are very important to me.

When the Chinese New Year was approaching, Xiao Muchen sent Xie Yuan a red envelope via WeChat.

The kind of transfer, the note is, thank you for taking care of me for so long.

Xie Yuan accepted it.

Xie Yuan is not short of this money, he feels that this is Xiao Muchen's wish, if he doesn't accept it, he is afraid that Xiao Muchen will be unhappy.

Xiao Muchen himself has a restrained temperament, if he can think about giving out red envelopes, it is already a step forward.

Xiao Muchen didn't cross much, but he didn't feel that it was all right.

Xiao Muchen would not behave like this in his daily life, just like when he was playing games, he was so taciturn, except for necessary communication, it was equivalent to him fighting alone, which was rare.

After all, it was Xiao Muchen. Even if he gave few opinions in many cases, it would not affect the normal game.

This is the most important thing. Xiao Muchen's personal strength is very powerful.

That's why he can save a lot of relief, otherwise, it's useless.

Xiao Muchen thought very well, and learned a lot. In his heart, there were a lot of calculations, and he would think about how to play with such a lineup.

It's not that he doesn't understand anything, and it's not that when he chooses to speak, he will make himself feel that these are all fake.

Xie Yuan also prepared gifts for the team members, but he didn't have much time a year ago, so he didn't go to the base, thinking about bringing them over next year.

(End of this chapter)

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