God please lie down

Chapter 1603 Maybe Rebellious

Chapter 1603 Maybe Rebellious

It's not that you have to give others a chance, but that you have a direction when you think about things.

There are always some people who are different to themselves.

So don't think that all things can be returned to peace in the end.

Don't bother with things you can't help.

It would be best if they knew, but it doesn't seem to matter if they don't.

But after thinking about it, maybe time will tell them different answers.

That's how it should be, nothing has changed, what's more, when you think about it, you still have to face these people.

These people, for me, are nothing more than a lot of decisions, or, after thinking about it for a long time, you will find that in such a situation in life, reading is still the best.

Because Xiao Muchen has already experienced it, he knows that most of the time, he doesn't let himself think about it, just to be able to believe that at the very beginning, he has already made the most correct decision, and the rest is all Just look at it.

There is nothing that needs to be explained by myself, or there has been any dispute.

With them, it is nothing more than that you think about what is suitable for you, but you only find out at the end that it is wrong.

Whether it was wrong or something, I don't know.

But Xi Nuan knew that Xiao Muchen really did things and didn't care at all.

This random transfer is [-], who can resist it.

If I told her this, she might not even believe it.

After all, it's not the same.

If there is any difference, it may be, although it has already been agreed.

But I can still think about it and feel nothing.

They don't need to understand, no matter how much they think about it, it's true, after thinking about it for a long time, they don't feel anything anymore.

If it is your own words, you have to think about it.

On the day of the Spring Festival, Xi Nuan woke up very early.

The parents came back and stayed for a while, but as she expected, they didn't even stay for one night, and left in a hurry.

I don't know what they came back for, maybe it wasn't to hear me tell them about having a boyfriend.

No matter how you look at it, it seems impossible.

If the parents could perceive his thoughts, they wouldn't be like this.

And at this moment, you will feel that all of this is just like what you saw at the beginning.

It's useless and doesn't need anything.

Anyway, the words have already been said, how parents understand, let them study it by themselves.

Xi Nuan felt that it was better for him not to interfere.

Otherwise, I am afraid that I will not feel much after talking for a long time.

It has always been that you have thought about it for a long time, but there is only so much that can be done.

Once it's said, that's fine.

No matter how much you have studied these things, there is nothing to think about.

For her, the understanding of her parents may not be as eager as it was a few years ago.

Because I know a lot of things, I think about them. These things seem to have never appeared in my life before.

But this time, it's useless.

One would think that this should be the case.

If we really talk about the chaotic and complicated relationship between the few of them, I am afraid that it will not be clear for a while.

Xi Nuan never really understands the thoughts of his parents, and feels that they have done a lot of things, but they are not in his heart.

She will not become so rebellious, let alone think so much.

(End of this chapter)

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