God please lie down

Chapter 1624 Don't dare to say that I'm great

Chapter 1624 Don't dare to say that I'm great

"It's true. I was also very scared by the actors today. It was so scary. I didn't know what they were doing. If I could understand it, maybe it wouldn't be like this. One or two, I feel Just giving it away, I am also a King of Glory, why does it look so scary."

Guicheng muttered to himself alone, before the fight, he really never thought that such a situation would happen, but it may be different now.

After personally experiencing despair, I suddenly felt, my God, this game is so difficult.

Why didn't he feel it at first.

Is it too late to regret now?

So in desperation, he thought of Xiao Muchen.

This person probably still knows how to play games during the Chinese New Year.

If he doesn't play a few times a day, he will feel uncomfortable all over.

It was because of this point that Gui Cheng was convinced that Xiao Muchen would definitely lead him to the top, otherwise, his grievances would not have been in vain.

After playing for a day, it was completely reversed, and no one would be able to stand it.

It's too much a test of people's mentality. Now that I think about it, this is the case, and there are not many of them.

If they knew it a long time ago, they might understand it better than they thought, but they still don't know how to think about it.

Xiao Muchen's own style of play is not the same as the junglers of many teams. When he usually plays in ranking, he is an all-around player.

But no matter what you play, the awareness and rhythm are very good.

That move is absolutely perfect.

Even now, Gui Cheng still remembers that when they met in a match, he was obviously a bloodless person, and he, the go-getter, chased Mo Xie halfway across the map, but he didn't even hit a single skill.

Can you believe this?

His go-getter, Mo Xie, is one of the most famous in the league. When has he ever been treated like this? After the whole fight is over, his mentality is about to collapse.

I don't know if it's my real skill, or Xiao Muchen is too strong.

It's like playing hide-and-seek, where he feels that there are bushes, he can hide.

And once he enters the grass, you can't see what his position looks like at all.

Really, no matter how hard you try to find this person, it will be difficult.

He didn't dare to chase very deep, and he was afraid of being killed by a trace of blood, which might be really embarrassing.

So when in the professional arena, when chasing Xiao Muchen, you have to think about it.

Do you really want to chase?
If you chase after it, will the gains outweigh the losses, no one knows.

People who haven't tried it will definitely think so, but after they think about it, whether there will be different results is really a different thing.

Anyway, Gui Cheng never dared to do it again. After that time, he felt that the gap in their strength was still obvious, so it was better not to trouble yourself.

Otherwise, I don't know how others will spray me.

Talk about his food.

Well, he cooks.

He is also a real dish.

In front of Xiao Muchen, who is not good?

Professional players dare not say that they are strong.

So, don't think about it, it's useless.

No one dares to really say that he is very strong.

After all, they have already seen the words of someone outsider.

In the era of games, where the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, it really is, I dare not think about it at all.

The change is very fast, and the change of players is also very fast.

They wouldn't have thought about it so much.

(End of this chapter)

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