God please lie down

Chapter 1632 Not Thinking Much

Chapter 1632 Not Thinking Much
There must be many thoughts in their hearts.

But in the end, there will be more people who can see clearly than now.

At least, it will make people feel very relieved.

After all, at that time, I didn't think too much about it.

Everyone's thoughts are only one-sided.

They don't want to take care of these, let alone feel that this is a challenge for themselves.

After all, for their professional players, the requirements are still high.

But if you think so, if there is any problem, you really don't know.

I haven't talked about it seriously, so I really didn't waste much thought on this matter.

They haven't seen the past at all, they just think that there should be many longings for the future.

Speaking of which, he didn't want to think so.

"What's the matter, anyway, the career path is what I think, so don't worry about it so much. Anyway, in the future, there is still a lot of time. If you don't understand anything, you can tell me, I will If I can help you, I will definitely not be stingy. Many times, I always feel that I am a bit out of place and I don’t have many friends around me, but fortunately there are you, no matter what I do, you all I didn’t think about leaving or anything, and it’s still hard to make friends in the professional circle.”

"But fortunately, I still met a few like-minded friends."

Otherwise, according to Xiao Muchen's personality, it might really be that there are a lot of problems.

For him, there are many things, not everything.

It's too difficult when I just want him to open the mouth.

For him, it is a challenge.

And it's still the kind of look that, having said that, you may not be able to know what kind of relationship you have for such a long time.

Don't think about it, and don't dare to understand it.

I feel that if I give up like this, there is nothing wrong with it.

In their hearts, it is rare that they can do nothing about many things.

Taking a ten thousand step back, if Xiao Muchen is willing to talk, that is the best thing. If he is not willing, then there are still other opportunities.

But it might be a bit difficult to peek into his heart.

Sometimes even Xi Nuan doesn't know Xiao Muchen's mind, so it gives people the feeling that it is unattainable.

Xiao Muchen and them are not from the same world, their final ending is nothing more than retirement, better, they can wake up and become anchors.

As for Xiao Muchen, he could choose to go back to school and continue the live broadcast.

No way, his popularity is too high.

Any platform will give him a good deal.

Where is the traffic? Even when he is not playing professionally, he can have a lot of fans, let alone when he wants to broadcast live every day.

Even after winning the championship, he announced in public that he already had a girlfriend, which didn't seem to affect his popularity at all.

It's really weird.

Doesn't he have a lot of girlfriend fans?

How come at this time, no one has lost fans.

Is it really because of his technology?
It's unbelievable to think about it.

At the very least, Guicheng didn't understand the truth behind it. In his eyes, these things should not be what he thought about.

He still doesn't know exactly why he came here, but it might become better when he thinks about things.

(End of this chapter)

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