God please lie down

Chapter 1635 She is the most important

Chapter 1635 She is the most important

For Xiao Muchen, it is better to have a planned life.

Don't think about anything, because everything is still here.The people who can see them, and the things between them, is the best answer.

For the others, don't think too much about it.

Xi Nuan didn't even need to guess what was going on in his mind, he already knew what was going on.In many cases, it can save some time.

What is there to communicate, the two of them never need to talk about this.

There is someone who will always support him. Xiao Muchen knew this from a long time ago.

It's just that they probably haven't told them about this, and they dare not think about it, let alone know what unnecessary use it has.

Show affection?
Between the two of them, there is really no need for all this.

Anyway, it's a matter of the past, so let them pass it. When I really think about it, I can still see it obviously. After all, it is not too simple.

It was because of thinking this way that they felt that before they thought about it, they could only let go of their initial thoughts.

The appearance of all this is completely different from when I first realized it.

I don't know what went wrong in the middle, but the most frightening thing is that when they don't know, there will still be many problems that they didn't expect.

It is true that I want to protect this person's heart.

It is also true that I want to tell many stories with them.

But I still know very clearly what to do and what not to do.

Competition comes first, love for children comes later.

But it's not impossible to give up the game for the sake of warming up.

He didn't try it, but he did have such an idea.

Because in his heart, he has already compared the question of who is more important, Xi Nuan or the game.

And the answer is still obvious, so there is no need to argue.

He has already clearly understood his heart, and he also knows when and what he should think about.

When it is unclear, there may be some hesitation.

But when Xi Nuan was unhappy, his first thought was to go to her side and accompany her.

Don't ask why, and don't want to ask.

I just want to be with his girl well, no matter what kind of unhappiness she has, if only I am by my side, maybe she can help solve it.

That's what he intended.

But this idea was rejected by Xi Nuan before it was realized.Xi Nuan told him firmly that she didn't want to affect Xiao Muchen himself because of her own relationship, let alone affect his competition.

This is definitely not her intention. When she is unhappy, she will inevitably act like a baby to the people she depends on. Maybe she is also like this.

It's fine when it's over, there's no need to get used to yourself.

There is no need to follow oneself, Xi Nuan always has a lot of rhetoric, which is very fun.

But Xiao Muchen knew that she was just trying not to delay herself.

There are really many things that I can't explain or understand. It's not that I don't know, but I just feel that among so many people I have met, Xi Nuan gave him the biggest shock.

I don't want to think about what is right and wrong in it, and I don't want to feel what's wrong with it.

Between the two of them, reaching this level has already exceeded his expectations.

(End of this chapter)

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