God please lie down

Chapter 1648 dispelled the cold

Chapter 1648 dispelled the cold

Xi Nuan watched carefully, eating some popcorn from time to time.

It seems that she hasn't watched a movie for a long time. When she was in Liangcheng, she was either watching the game or doing commentary.

The time schedule is very full every day. On the one hand, I want to enrich myself, and on the other hand, I also think about earning more money.

After all, no one is afraid of a lot of money, and she has a part of her own small treasury, which was given by her parents before, so she kept it if she couldn't spend it.

Then when I was in college, I worked as a part-time translator.

I also followed the professor to do some projects and so on, and I got a lot of share.

She kept it all.

Because whether it is living or going out to play, it seems that there is no cost.

Xi Nuan is a living little rich woman.

Relatively speaking, it is incomparable to Xiao Muchen.

But it is not enough to compare with the top, and it is not enough to compare with the bottom.

It is already a minority that the university can be like her.

Xi Nuan is the kind of person who eats enough for one person and the whole family is not hungry.

In the family, she doesn't need to control anyone, and she can't control anyone.

No one came back, and no one even spoke.

Alone, lonely, desolate.

But now, some people accompany me to watch movies, some people give me red envelopes, and some people accompany me to buy clothes, and I feel that it is completely enough.

Xi Nuan didn't feel that her life was affected in any way, it must be fate that Xiao Muchen appeared in her life.

If I hadn't taken the initiative at that time, perhaps there would not be all this now.

The movie is good to watch, but it is still not as attractive as the person next to him.

Xi Nuan always felt that if Xiao Muchen looked at her, she would sink into it.

The unstoppable kind.

Falling in love with him is willing.

I also thought about the rest of my life, and I would be with him well.

When Xiao Muchen retires, their life will be more stable, and then it will not be a long-distance relationship.

There will be the life they want, and no one will come to disturb them.

This is what she wants.

Maybe I have had such an expectation since I was young, but it has never been realized.

I didn't wait for that person, and the family didn't agree.

Haven't grown up yet, so can't get away from life.

She tried many times, but at the end, she realized that she was the only one who lived her whole life.

At other times, there is no way to be sure.

They have a lot of ideas, but before they are realized, they are more like preparing for others.

It's hard to say what the result will be, but maybe it's not what I want.

Once upon a time, when I didn't know it, I began to understand that if everything can look like it used to, there will be many differences.

But now.

When the movie ended, Xiao Muchen and Xi Nuan sat in their seats for a long time.

Xiao Muchen bought a couple seat, so no one will bother him.

Just like that, everything seems to be falling into place.

Dating, watching movies, chatting.

Then, kiss.

That's right, it's like this.

When Xiao Muchen leaned over, Xi Nuan was still slightly startled.

But then he closed his eyes. At this moment, in the world of the two of them, there were no people who watched the movie together.

Just each other.

In the darkness, only his eyes were so bright.

It seems to be ahead, without any obstruction.

When you see him, you can see the stars and the sea.

He will accompany himself, all the way.

feels good.

Someone was by his side, dispelling the cold.

(End of this chapter)

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