God please lie down

Chapter 1656 I just want to be nice to you

Chapter 1656 I just want to treat you better

Think about the problem, not one-sided.

This is also Xi Nuan's usual way of doing things, and she doesn't bother to say some things to others.

Anyway, it would be nice if you could see Xiao Muchen wherever you looked.

Other people's affairs have nothing to do with her.

I used to think this way, and I still think this way now, it can’t be wrong, and there won’t be any difference.

Anyway, after thinking about it for a long time, I will remember it, and there is only a little bit of it.

Except that I knew a little more at the beginning, that doesn't need to matter.

"That's really cheap for them again. You even brought them small gifts before."

Xi Nuan doesn't just think about Xiao Muchen alone, as a girlfriend, when she brings gifts to her boyfriend, she usually brings gifts for his teammates, it's just that things are a little different .

Xiao Muchen's gift must be different from theirs.

Otherwise, how could he be called her boyfriend.

What is given to him must be good.

It must be the best kind, and this is the difference.

There is nothing to say, it is the truth.

These few people may see it, but most of the time, I'm afraid they just think it through.

Always thinking, to be able to do more for them is.

For example, it is very possible to do more support and so on.

Anyway, when you have time and energy, you can do it.

I don't want to have empty hands every time I go to the scene.

This kind of feeling is very uncomfortable, and Xi Nuan can't change it for a while.

So she always feels that there is nothing good or bad to think about.

Basically, it's just what to say, and it's still very clear.

If this is the case, then it must be that everything you do is justified.

People are still quite sober, and when faced with things, they can quickly understand the things involved.

It would take a long time to let them think like that.

"It's not cheap. I think that if your teammates are good, then you will be much more relaxed during the game. After all, there is never a situation of cooperation and lack of tacit understanding."

Xi Nuan also commented on the game, so he also knew that if the five of them didn't cooperate, the game would be as enjoyable as if they didn't fight.

Because of the fight, it felt like I was just letting others watch the fun.

The arena has never been a place to practice heroes. Everyone is a teammate and is working towards a goal. If anyone slacks up, it will have a great impact on the final result.

The reason why I never said that to Xiao Muchen was because I thought that he might not like to hear it very much.

Just treat it as her own pastime, but in daily life, the same sentence can help, and she doesn't want to go far.

I want to be with him, I want to watch him every step of the way.

When I recalled it later, I knew that the two of them lived together.

I didn't miss any time, and I was afraid that he would not understand what I did, and I had to think a lot about it.

But they understand all the stories.

Give yourself a little chance, and hope that everything can wait until an eternity that you have never understood.

"I don't know, you would think so. In fact, they and I are pretty good, maybe because of the similar age."

(End of this chapter)

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