God please lie down

Chapter 167 5-person ranking, insane

Chapter 167 Ranking of five people, insane

Xiao Muchen is seducing!

Xi Nuan knew very well in his heart that Xiao Muchen had already said this matter several times.

No matter what, Xi Nuan has already made up his mind and decided to watch the game.

"I'll go. Don't keep saying this every time you see me. It's almost making me want to see it now."

Xi Nuan thought about it, the broadcast of the game and watching it live will be two completely different feelings.

From the first time Xiao Muchen said it, Xi Nuan had been thinking about what it would be like to watch his match live one day.

I have imagined countless times in my head, but I still can't figure it out.

I have been waiting, but I have not waited for a result.

Now that I think about it, it's quite interesting.

"You're always seducing me, isn't there still a month and a half left?"

"Well, I just told you in advance, always afraid that you would forget."

"How is it possible, such a big event, I must keep it in my heart. If I forget anything, I will never forget your game."

Xi Nuan felt that he was the one who played the game, while Xiao Muchen was more like the coach.

He has told himself no less than three times about such a thing.

He never repeats the same sentence, but he seems to be nagging on this matter.

Xi Nuan knew that this matter was very important to him.

"I've always cared about your affairs. Although I don't know what you're thinking all the time, for me, whether it's before or now, the most important thing is to be able to be with you .”

Xi Nuan said this very softly, but Xiao Muchen still heard it.

"Okay, this is a promise between us."

"My game, you must come."

Xi Nuan looked at the calendar, one and a half months later, it happened to be the time for the winter vacation.

This time of the KPL event is very good.

Anyway, it's not interesting for her to be alone at home, watching Xiao Muchen's game is a good choice.

Since Xi Nuan dared to agree, it proved that she was already prepared.

"It will come, and then, you will definitely see me at the scene."

What Xi Nuan likes most is to listen to Xiao Muchen's words.

His voice is very nice, every time if there is something unhappy, just make a phone call with Xiao Muchen, she can guarantee that there will be no more troubles.

Although she didn't understand the reason for this, but Xiao Muchen had such ability, and she would never deny this.

"Okay, let's go to dinner. When Jiuhen comes back, let's have a meal and then go to a training match."

Xiao Muchen's daily life is full of arrangements, and he rarely has that kind of free time to do other things.

Today also happened to be a coincidence, he and Xi Nuan both had time, and Jiu Hen was not around, so they decided to play in ranking.

Although it is a bit wrong to open a trumpet and ruin other people's game experience.

But if Xi Nuan was happy, Xiao Muchen wouldn't care about that.

"Then I'm going to eat. If I have time in the evening, I will call you again."

Xi Nuan hung up the phone, then took a look at her ranking record, and it was exactly what she thought.

No one would believe it, this is her level.

The top score in five rows is extremely terrifying.

Xi Nuan can guarantee that when she comes back at night, she will be talked about by Lin Wan for a long time.

As far as her rate of improvement is concerned, it is really unmatched.

When Lin Wan left in the morning, they were still in the diamond.

As a result, Lin Wan went out for an afternoon, and Xi Nuan almost became the king.

 One more~
(End of this chapter)

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