God please lie down

Chapter 1674 Just Let It Go

Chapter 1674 Just Let It Go
The words themselves are unnecessary to say too much. In many things, you may be able to realize some differences.

At that time, when I was thinking about things, I still felt that I was not so serious.

"In the past, I didn't want to tell you about things related to me, because I felt that many times, it was not very good. As for the bad way, I can't describe it to you, just like When I first started, I obviously didn’t know much about these things, but in fact, I was able to see, maybe even more than now, I know, you might not believe it, but at that time, when I was young, there were many It is not up to me to decide what to do. After all, it is just imagination. It is somewhat difficult to realize it. It was at that time that I suddenly felt that I didn’t seem to have arrived at the kind of everything. In an unclear state."

Xiao Muchen is really not afraid of anything now, and he can really describe his past expressionlessly in front of Xi Nuan.

It doesn't matter what happened, what kind of hesitation and struggle you have had.

It can still be made clear. At the beginning, he didn't want to say it, and it was only because he didn't have any reason for this matter.

The key is to see what he thinks.

If he had any other thoughts, then those who had been with him all the time might feel sorry for him.

Because after all, I don't know what I did, but I still support his decision from beginning to end.

Many times, watching this young man step by step to the present, all relying on his own words, whoever changes, will feel distressed.

People's hearts are fleshy, and on this point, there has never been any mistake.

They didn't dare to think about something like this, it's just that they never said those words to others again.

To be clear, it must have taken some thought.

"I don't tell them, but I also feel that they don't need to know. Because whether they know or not will not affect my decision. Since I came back here again, I have already seen it clearly. I know what I'm going to do, and I won't give up before I realize my dream, so they won't try to persuade me anymore."

When you are prepared, you have the ability to believe. In the end, you really dare not think about it.

What is the reason for what they want, or what is the relationship?

At this moment, I have never thought about it at all.

If you understand, you will definitely not say these words.

Their topic will not end at this moment, and they can also know that for a long time, their own thoughts are not that important.

He thought about it, but in the end, the decision he relied on was not like this.

So, don't think that all stories can still wait until the end.

It was clearly because after arriving here, he had no way out, he could only do this, and he had no choice, so he felt that it didn't matter.

Even if it really happened, what you can keep for yourself should not only be what you can see in front of you.They should understand, that's why they never forced themselves to do something. After thinking about it, let's go like this.

(End of this chapter)

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