God please lie down

Chapter 1678 Can Heal Itself

Chapter 1678 Can Heal Itself
Most of the time, he gave himself a long time to think about it, and he spent a long time thinking about whether he did something wrong.

But at the end, I still didn't want to let myself live so thoroughly.

It's not that I'm afraid, it's just that I vaguely feel that there is no need for it.

It seems that after using it for a short time, he clearly realized that the things in it were not suitable for him.

I can't say exactly where, anyway, sooner or later it will make me feel very sad.

I haven't experienced that kind of sadness in others, and I don't know what kind of choice I would have if I were them.

But in Xiao Muchen's place, he would feel that some things cannot be avoided sooner or later, no matter how many opportunities are given to him, the final result will be the same.

So why bother, when he couldn't figure it out, he had to force himself to have an answer, he felt that it was cruel to himself.

Only in front of Xi Nuan can he not hide anything.

I feel like I can talk to her about everything.

She won't blame herself, and in fact she doesn't need her to comfort herself, Xiao Muchen is a person who can heal himself with just a little time.

Otherwise, when he lost the game, how did he make it all the way.

It's just that they don't believe it. They always feel that when they are alone, they have no other choice except to drive themselves crazy.

But he won't.

He has always believed that there is nothing that cannot be solved by relying on his own efforts.

He took time and thought.

Even if there are occasional moments when you really don't feel any friendship, it doesn't make people feel that this matter is so easy to turn over.

Speaking of it, he didn't believe it.

Even if I have a lot of understanding of what happened in the past, I still think about it.

I will feel that in my heart, to recognize that person, or to recognize those things, is just a choice of myself.

But in many cases, it is better to hope to know more, and I have no idea what kind of thoughts I have at that time.

I've seen it so much that I feel like it's been forgotten.

That's why I made myself so uncomfortable.

Now I don’t think there’s anything wrong, it’s pretty good. In the past, I was afraid that I couldn’t think clearly, so I would often make some excuses for myself, even if it was clearly not the case, I would insist on explaining it this way.

It's quite embarrassing, when I don't know what I'm going to do, I may see everything with the same eyes.

He didn't think there was any difference, let alone that it was the best choice to keep the reason in his heart.

If you keep silent, you don't have to make excuses?


So later, Xiao Muchen knew that it wasn't that he didn't give himself a chance, it was just that he simply didn't want to think about it.

Maybe sometimes, it will still be affected to some extent, but it doesn't matter anymore.

Because he is strong enough, he doesn't care about those.

He himself thought so, so when he faced Xi Nuan again, he had confidence.

Wanting to give her a lifetime is definitely not as simple as talking about it.

If you make a promise, you are thinking of spending your whole life to make her think that this is good.

In the long years to come, there will always be such a person that she will always care about.

That's right, it can be compared with the self who was completely in his previous life, his nostalgia is right in front of his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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