God please lie down

Chapter 1680 is different from him

Chapter 1680 is different from him

It's because I didn't agree with those people, and I didn't think what else could happen between them.

Just thinking about it, it's already like this anyway, if he can help others on this road, he will do so symbolically.

For other things, I didn't think much about asking myself so much.

Besides, if everything can be related to when we first met, he must think it is very good.

"Yeah, there is nothing. I need you to worry about it. You are already far away from the darkness. I believe that your tomorrow will be bright when you open your eyes."

Looking at the starry sky, Xi Nuan felt for the first time that the person beside her was not as strong as she imagined.

At least, he will show such a fragile look.

Yes, no one is born to take on all this.

If he had no worries, he would perform better than he is now, which is a problem that everyone knows.

There is no need to be reminded again, or even if you know it, you don't need to say it.

Deep in their hearts, how they used to look at all of this is fine now.

There is no need to become deliberate because of these, there is nothing to be deliberate about.

Even if you want to show off, you should find another opportunity.

In the rest of the time, if it is not your own, then it is better not to touch it.

Even a little more time is enough.

"Yes, there will be sunshine, and I won't be afraid."

"No matter how hard the road is, I'm not the same person I used to be."

"Maybe after all the hesitation and struggles are over, the present is the time to usher. I think it's okay. I survived. This is the best gift of the New Year."

Thinking of his own life, it was not as smooth as many people thought. He just felt that in many cases, what they saw with their eyes may not be true.

What will be hidden behind this illusory youth.

He really didn't think about it, it felt more like, it took a very long time, just to understand a truth.

And the absorption was in him knowing, so he completed his task.

Apart from these, there is no particular sense of satisfaction.

He didn't feel like he had won the battle. No matter how well he said it, it seemed like a simple matter to him.

Xiao Muchen was never afraid of what would happen to him, he was just worried that Xi Nuan would be affected by him, and sometimes, he would not know how to judge.

This is the last scene he wants to see. Without him, Xi Nuan's future should be very bright.

Following him now, on the contrary, has become a little unclear.

Even if she doesn't care, but he does.

Really are.

There are always advantages and disadvantages, like many things happen inadvertently, and he, an outsider, cannot judge.

Xi Nuan wouldn't tell him, as if he didn't tell her at that time.

It's not concealment, but I just feel that there is no need for another person to worry about my own affairs.

There must be more or less such thoughts in the hearts of the two of them.

He knows this girl well, so sometimes, it's not surprising that he can see through her heart.

If he was given another chance, he might have thought of this earlier.

(End of this chapter)

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