God please lie down

Chapter 1683 Is That A Nightmare

Chapter 1683 Is That A Nightmare

He had a dream, and it was pitch black in the dream.

There is nothing, no light, and no way.

He walked for a long time without reaching the end.

It was under such circumstances that Xiao Muchen was startled awake. When he woke up, he was dripping with cold sweat. He couldn't remember how long he hadn't had such a dream.

What was in the dream was too real, but I also felt that it was very far away from myself.

He doesn't want to think about this because he feels that in many cases, he understands more than others, and is clearer than them, so even if there are some things in front of him, as long as he doesn't touch them , it will not change.

Sometimes, it's still those people and those things, but when it comes to me, it's clear that I don't have any choice.

He didn't know what it would be like if he had to make his own choice.

But it shouldn't be too bad. Many times, although I can't think about it, it is the first time that it is so realistic in the dream.

The distance was very close, as if he could touch it, and then he realized that there were many things that were completely different from what he knew, and because he didn't understand, he didn't dare to speak to Xi Nuan.

And after that dream, Xiao Muchen was silent for a long time.

When he was still not convinced, he clearly understood these things seriously, but as long as he gave himself a reason, it was fine.

You don't even need to repeat the words, because it should be like this, even if you don't have to give yourself anything.

"Let's go, it's getting late, I'll take you back."

Xiao Muchen glanced at the sky and said.

Xi Nuan nodded without refusing.

Although they cherish the time they spend together, they still have to give each other some time of their own.

Sometimes she also knows that Xiao Muchen likes to be alone and think about some things.

She didn't want to disturb him, let alone get involved in his life.

It’s fine to do whatever you want, as long as you cover up the thoughts in your heart.

I can understand him and know why he would do this, so naturally, I thought, even if everyone thinks, letting the past stay in my heart for such a long time is not very simple in itself.

Xi Nuan can be regarded as someone who understands many things about Xiao Muchen, especially in terms of feelings.

When we first got together, she really couldn't laugh or cry what Xiao Muchen did.

It's much better now, Xiao Muchen slowly learned to be warm.

It's not like the original one anymore, I think everything is the best.

I will also slowly come into contact with some things I don't understand, and then have a strong learning ability.

What is this person's talent, she really doesn't know.

It feels like nothing can trouble him, even if he doesn't know how to do it, he can still learn, as long as he is given a template, he can quickly absorb and accommodate it, and turn it into his own.

This is something that Xi Nuan has never learned. It was easy for Xiao Muchen, but when it comes to her, it feels more difficult.

She didn't give her a chance to react at all. What I want to say is that I don't want to compare. There has been a distance between me and this person, perhaps since birth.

If it wasn't for that time, I was in a daze, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to get in touch with this person.

The circle of two people seems to have no intersection.

(End of this chapter)

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