God please lie down

Chapter 1691 It seems like this is right

Chapter 1691 It seems like this is right

Come happily and leave happily.

Isn't that nice?
I really don't understand why those people insist on running to bring the rhythm, in fact, it doesn't matter even if they do, after all, Xiao Muchen himself doesn't care about these things at all.

For him, maybe because of a bunch of things that happened, he had to think about it a long time ago.

It doesn't matter whether it's true or not. Under the condition that Xiao Muchen will not be affected, most of the time, he can perform very well. The most real idea is here, and then he will know very clearly that this For a moment, no matter what you think.

There is not much use, maybe this is what I once asked for.

If, in many cases, I let myself see the difference, then it is probably very good.

It depends on whether you ask others to do something to you, or you have some requirements for others. Anyway, there is not much difference, so there is no need to make a clear distinction.

Xi Nuan's life principle is that you can give yourself some fantasies, but not too many.

If you don't even have time to imagine yourself, then maybe you really don't need too much.

It's still the feeling in the heart, and they don't say it, so they don't know at all that there is so much hidden in this person's heart.

Maybe sometimes, even if you really make it clear, you still feel that the opportunity is not necessarily for yourself.

Even a little bit is not enough.

So still, save everything until the end, if one day, when something really happens, everything is still in time.

At that moment, what they suddenly understood was what they never told themselves.

Xi Nuan knew that sometimes, maybe it was really for her own good, but it was not necessary.

When she's older, she can make decisions for herself.

What is really going to happen, I haven't thought much about it, but I also feel that many times, although I think about it, when I really want to do it, there is still a lot of difference, so even at that time, she has nothing to do. I understand, it doesn't seem to matter.

Xiao Muchen would not feel anything because of these.

This is something that the two of them have already discussed, and they are not going to say too much. Most of the time, even if they hope that they don't understand anything, they want to pretend to understand everything.

It's really simple, it's not just that.

Speaking of which, the story of the two people is not so thrilling. In the eyes of many people, it is nothing more than that.

When I really talk about it, I can obviously still feel it. There are many things that I don’t know.

So since then, has it already started?
I don't know, I don't know, so I don't know if the result of this is the past.

But as long as you think about it carefully, you can know that it had already happened inadvertently, and she always remembered it, that's all.

Apart from these, there seems to be nothing else to think about.

I don't know if they would have such worries when they first found out, but for me, they didn't have it at all.

You can think about whatever you have planned in your heart. Anyway, sooner or later, you still have to find out. It turns out that it is a matter of the past, but even if you leave it to yourself, there will still be a lot of embarrassments.

Anyway, it's all good.

(End of this chapter)

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