God please lie down

Chapter 1709 Even worse than now

Chapter 1709 Even worse than now

Xiao Muchen was too lazy to talk to them, whatever they said, it was the same.

Most of the time, it’s really enough to see it.

If you really talk about it, you will know that many things can only be said to yourself.

Once you tell them, this group of people can misinterpret countless meanings for you.

It is so troublesome to explain one by one, he is not used to this at all.

So simply, don't think about it.

Once there is any other choice, just tell them directly.

You don't need to think about the things you have agreed upon, but you can also treat many of them after the meeting. It turns out that it is just like your own relationship.

What you don't know, you don't necessarily have to explain it clearly, not to mention that these few people are nothing more than that little thing, and if they talk too much, it seems to be joking.

Jiuhen and him are already very familiar.

Even if it's a joke, it doesn't matter.

Anyway, sooner or later, someone will have to understand that no matter what they have done before, at this moment, that is all they can give to themselves.

He didn't need to expect so much, and he didn't even think about what was suitable for him.

If it is said that at the beginning, I let myself understand so much, then in the following time, it is nothing more than that.

All the stories he wants, or all the endings, are for one person.

He figured it out, for Xi Nuan he could do a lot of things that he hadn't touched before, on this point, he was never talking about it.

If you do, it proves that you have a choice.

As for what he said before that, whether he said it or not, it didn't make much difference to him.

"Brother Chen, let me tell you that they are like this, and they shut up after eating for a while, so you don't have to talk to them, they just seem to have nothing to do, and they have to tease you to feel happy."

"When you didn't come, they thought it was meaningless. Now that you are here, they become more and more unscrupulous. After a while, the coach came over and said that they were fine, so that they would not be here, talking nonsense, doing everything. The kind you don't want."

"I've already seen through them. Except for playing games, this talk is unreasonable. Otherwise, you can choose to ignore them. Anyway, they have nothing serious. It's nothing more than I just want to take a break."

When Yu Cheng was talking to them, he understood the thoughts of these people very well.

They are the best at doing nothing but joking around.

Most of the time, I just want to play every day without doing anything else.

I don't know how to go out for a while during the holidays.

Now the whole person has become, more and more skinny.

The leather ones have no edges, and they are still the kind that can't be pulled.

It was horrible.

It's completely different from what I think, that is, when I talk to them about some truths, I can't explain it clearly at all. If there are others, they may be more prodigal than they are now.

Anyway, no matter what you think, it's useless.

If they want to think about it, it won't be just this point.

If I really said it, it would really look like the sun came out from the west.

Just leave them alone and let them fend for themselves, isn't that good?
Not to mention any problems in comprehension, this is the only thing I am most afraid of.

(End of this chapter)

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