God please lie down

Chapter 1711 No past

Chapter 1711 No past
It shouldn't be like this. If you give him a chance, how can he think about everything badly.

It's because time has passed, and there are some reasons that have long since ceased to exist.

That's why I feel that no matter how much I do, it is useless in the eyes of others.

He has thought about a lot of things, and he also knows that in many cases, whether it is himself or other people, even if the opportunity is put in front of him, he will not take a look at it.

This is the result, and there is absolutely no need to say anything by yourself.

When they haven't thought about it, even if everyone thinks that it seems wrong before all this is said, as long as they think it's good, isn't that all right?
Why do you have to say it so clearly? Isn't it good to follow your own ideas?
I don't know what they think, if they were themselves, they would definitely not be willing to make the girl they like sad.

At this point, they don't even have to think about it.

Anyway, in his heart, he would not do such a thing, nor would he have the chance to make Xi Nuan sad.

He doesn't know how other people think about things, and he doesn't intend to use that method.

Xiao Muchen also did a lot of homework in places that they didn't know about.

Just like before, before others knew it, he used his own way.

Even if everyone thinks it's bad, at least it's what he thinks, that's the best result.

From now on, if you don’t want to, don’t try to understand it.

Let yourself relax a little, and it's better than the old self, don't know anything.

"Stop making trouble. I'll go up to put my luggage. I'll come down later. Are we in the fifth row?"

"Okay, I haven't played games like this in a whole vacation, my hands are a little raw, but with five rows, I think I can lie down."

"I'm a mixed monster, and I don't want to c at all, I just want to stay in the spring water."

"If you are like this, I will definitely report you for hanging up. Don't think that it is enough for you to stay at home. It's not that you can not report you if you don't give away your head. Mixed points, you think beautifully."

A few of them talked, and they got together again.

Xiao Muchen glanced at them, turned around decisively and went upstairs.

If they get into a fight, it won't stop for a while.

Maybe even a hand or something, but it's just a joke.

Xiao Muchen has been here for more than half a year, and he has a certain understanding of their temperament. He knows that they usually like to laugh and play, but they will never get angry, and they will never be serious.

The relationship is very good, and it doesn't matter if you make trouble.

Before, he really had never experienced such a way of getting along.

Because at that time, everyone seemed to be busy with themselves. Except when they were playing games, they were together, and it seemed that there was no connection between them at other times.

I don't know how their tacit understanding was cultivated. Anyway, no matter how I think about it, I feel something is wrong.

In many cases, someone has already said this question.

But they still didn't do anything, no matter what they said, at the end of the day, they only thought of that.

They didn't know, and they didn't want to understand. Later, when they encountered those things, they also understood those people.

They thought a lot, and they would make Xiao Muchen feel that even if there were any problems in the past, it didn't matter.

(End of this chapter)

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