God please lie down

Chapter 1713 is contempt

Chapter 1713 is contempt

You have thought about it for a long time, but in the end what you want to see is just this point in front of you. No one dares to know. At this moment, your heart is full of memories of the past. A kind of contempt.

They don't like it and don't want to do it.

Xiao Muchen realized that at the beginning, he didn't know these people, or when he was not familiar with them, he didn't know what would happen to them.

I just feel that if it were me, I might not think so clearly.

If you are prepared from the beginning, it may cost a lot less.

At least it is much better than now, otherwise, wouldn't there be no time to say a word.

These people, either don't want to, or think clearly.

Don't let others read the joke, anyway, all understanding is nothing more than that.

Even if you really think about it, it's still this point.

So, when you think about it, you can also know that there is only this point in the past before it is good or bad.

Speaking of which, they understand each other very well.

I'm afraid that in the future, when people are no longer here one day, they will still miss everything here.

Watching them fight is even more interesting than playing games together.

I feel that life is no longer so boring. If it is changed to this way, maybe it will be much better.

Don't think the same as what you think, and don't argue with them about anything else.

Just relying on your own imagination, you can know what kind of situation this will be.

Very happy.

Having a girlfriend and teammates in the base are also very interesting.

Maybe this is what he yearns for, because he has never had it before, so he is looking forward to it.

I also think about the past a lot, and then I feel that occasionally, if I let myself understand, it will be more clear than what I know now.

But that probably wasn't what he wanted, and it wasn't something he could understand after thinking about it for so long.

What you understand is nothing more than that.

There will always be people who believe that in many cases, even a little bit is enough.

For the rest, I didn't think about the past, and I didn't think what would happen if I let myself think about it.

Those things in the past, in the end, are just a little bit of the past.

Speaking of it, it's not bad at this moment, and I won't think of anything else because of these.

Maybe this is the best result, Xiao Muchen himself thinks so.

In his heart, although he had considered these things, but before he thought about them, what he asked for was only a part.

It doesn't matter how people who don't know think about it.

He himself didn't think so, not to mention, that's all you asked for.

No one wants to really understand anything, just stand here and know that everything you think, for them, is just the initial way of thinking, not the final answer.

If you would have thought this way in the past, then now, have you already thought about it very clearly, and that's why you said such words.

I really don't know, and I dare not be sure.

If I had made these words clear earlier, wouldn't it have been different already.

Instead of having to wait until now to know.

(End of this chapter)

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