God please lie down

Chapter 1715 How much do you think

Chapter 1715 How much do you think
At that time, if you didn't even think about these things, what was left.

Maybe there is something they don't know, in their hearts, it's nothing more than that.

I always feel that most of the time, I haven’t thought about it, or I have already realized it in my heart. No matter what happened in the past, at least from now on, I have already done everything in my heart. Prepare, when you say these words in front of your face, you will know that no matter everyone, as long as they have ideas, that is enough.

For other people and other things, they actually don't have so much to think about.

Those who know you, those who know, those who don't know, will not know that so many things have happened to you.

So, you don't need sympathy from others.

You don't need to let them know what your next plan is, even if you really think it through, then it won't matter when the time comes.

Everything is still the same as it was originally, and it has nothing to do with you. Don't think about it, and don't let yourself feel that there is nothing that cannot be solved.

When you get here, it's as if everything has been said.

Just leave the rest of the story to yourself.

It has nothing to do with them, and they don't need to understand.

That was the plan Xiao Muchen left for himself, and many times, even if he opened his mouth, he found that the distance between the two of them was very far away.

He thought that even if he explained it himself, he might not be able to explain it clearly.

So simply, no matter what, just think like this.

At this moment, even if the remaining things are meaningless, it will take some time for him.

That person from before will definitely not be found.

As for the answer, perhaps it has already been made clear.

But at least, for the rest of his life, he will no longer be alone.

This is fine, you don't need to think about it, and you don't need to understand it. The stars in your eyes have never changed. No matter what you think, when you decide to do this, you have to go See, even though I have mixed a lot of thoughts in those years, but no matter what, before I want to understand the result, I must realize that deep in my heart, I have had such a hesitation , and have lived such a life, only then can we become better.

He didn't ask too much, and he didn't think that everyone must know these things.

It's just divided into many situations. If you know it, you should understand that he has already made all the decisions a long time ago.

"I thought that at the beginning, I already knew what I should do, but later I realized that there was no chance and no need to understand. , or in the hearts of others, is the most correct."

Maybe it's only when I'm alone that I can say these words.

I don't know what they are thinking in their hearts, but they seem to realize it, and they feel that no matter what, life is just such a process.

Only when he finds what he thinks is the best, can he think a lot about this matter.

He is not very clear about what the past was like, or rather, he doesn't quite understand it.

For him, it seems that he wants to understand everything.

(End of this chapter)

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