God please lie down

Chapter 1728 1 Attitude

Chapter 1728 An Attitude
Jiuhen and Xiao Muchen have known each other for a long time, and then, knowing his character, and knowing that sometimes he doesn't do these things on purpose, but in fact, it's only because such a long time has passed before he can think about it After all, there are some things that are so far apart that Jiu Hen can't even realize what the truth is.

I can't say what the idea is, but I will realize that at the beginning, the difference is a little far away.

He always said that when he was thinking about things, he didn't think clearly, but he still didn't understand very well. If he were himself, would he have the same thoughts as him, or would he have the same choices as him.

I always follow my own ideas, and then I realized that the distance may be created in this way.

But many people and many things will have many turning points due to changes over time.

The person involved, Xiao Muchen, was holding his mobile phone beside him, waiting for them to find someone to match him with. Except for the two words he said just now, he didn't speak much.

Xiao Muchen himself is a very calm person, so calm that no one can see through him.

But there are many things that cannot be seen through.

He didn't need to explain one by one, let alone tell them what he did, or what he would do next.

For him, if many things were so easy to understand, he would not have left everything until now.

Even I know that when things are far away from me, it is useless to say anything.

He had thought about it, even if life encountered a fork in the road, or when there was a disagreement, don't think about it, it turns out that this is the difference.

I never think about it so much, let alone realize that there will be such a problem.

"Okay, okay, don't talk about that, let's continue playing games, isn't it just to increase the feel?"

"I think you've said so much, but you still have to rely on playing a few more games to maintain it. So, when you are free, think so much about what to do, isn't it good to leave time for yourself?"

Ling Xia really didn't understand why the topic of these people suddenly became so much more advanced.

It shouldn't be like this, but it seems to be particularly obvious, so there are not so many implementations, but you need to mind it.

All your thinking, if it weren't for so many changes, it is almost impossible to know what it would be.

"Who knows, when you suddenly mentioned this, I thought that nothing happened, but the fact is, it's impossible."

"I will feel ashamed. You say that he is a jungler, and his output is higher than that of my mid laner. Where do you put my face?"

too difficult.

I didn't think about it at all before, but after that, I'm afraid I have to think about it.

Xiao Muchen said that he didn't want them to put any burden or pressure on him. Moreover, since a decision had already been made on many things, there was no need to waste so much time on it.

There is no need to think about it, so why bother to think about it.

Xiao Muchen is their teammate, not their enemy, so there is no need to be sincere.

If there was, he would not have told them all these things in detail in front of them.

This already proves an attitude, whether they believe it or not, they are still here.

(End of this chapter)

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