God please lie down

Chapter 1732 Home Delivery

Chapter 1732 Home Delivery
After all, it's home delivery, and it's the best result for nerds like them.

Don't let them go wandering around, since you've been like that, I'm afraid you won't be able to come back until midnight.

Xiao Muchen ignored them and went to wash his face to wake up. The beating took a long time, and he was not sober.

If this continues, I feel that my head is also a little confused.

Maybe it's because I came back from the plane and didn't sleep, so I'm a little tired.

Xiao Muchen himself thought so, but he didn't think much about the others.

This period of vacation made him understand a truth, the craftsmanship should not be unfamiliar, otherwise, he might be far away from his goal.

Xiao Muchen didn't want to take a vacation and grind his life down to nothing.

Will he remember what happened in the past, or the decision that can bring him many dreams.

When you don't know it at all, your mood when looking at these things will become much calmer.

It seems that I have thought about it for too long, so that I have begun to forget, if I were myself, would I be like them, when faced with these things, I would feel helpless for a moment.

What is the difference between them, who knows.

After Xiao Muchen washed his face, he called Xi Nuan.

Tell him what you have been doing during this time, and then talk about other things for a while.

Seeing that it was not too early, Xiao Muchen hung up the phone with Xi Nuan.

At this time, she should be allowed to rest earlier.

Her work and rest schedule is not the same as his own, so Xiao Muchen felt that there was absolutely no need to change her living habits because of him.

Just like what Xiao Muchen himself said, when he likes someone, he never asks him to do anything for him.

This is Xiao Muchen's own outlook on life, and it has nothing to do with others.

Xiao Muchen wouldn't talk about what was clear in his heart, but after thinking about it for so long, he would understand and know, and the rest will be like this.

For them, these are always on their minds.

Xiao Muchen's thoughts are always so straightforward and so simple, no matter who said something to him, he can still maintain his own attitude without any influence.

"Brother Chen, come and chat for a while, didn't you hang up the phone?"

"You said you too, didn't you just come back from home, how can this person who has a girlfriend have completely changed his behavior and style?"

It feels like Xiao Muchen doesn't look like that kind of person no matter what, but no one knows what's going on until he sees it with his own eyes.

Now that I saw it with my own eyes, it was like discovering a new continent. I began to understand that this should be the case, and I didn’t say anything else, and it was useless to say it.

He must not be the only one who thinks like this.

The exact reason is that he himself has not realized these things. What I have to say is that even if there is something, it should be able to think clearly at the end.

Although I don't say it, it doesn't mean I don't know anything.

Maintaining a sense of mystery is what Xiao Muchen wants to do.

Everything else is almost just watching.

So does he.

Jiu Hen just didn't expect that this person would still be sticky after returning to the base, as if the two of them hadn't been separated.

I realized that it was completely different from the previous person.

(End of this chapter)

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