God please lie down

Chapter 1738 Very Good

Chapter 1738 Very Good
In the past, I thought about it for a long time, and then realized that it was a bit wrong to do so, and it was obviously not enough if it was their words.

Apart from these, there is no need to have other thoughts at all, in their place, it is like this after they have done it.

"Okay, let's eat, don't think about that, there is really nothing you can do about it, is it the same when you are at home?"

Yu Cheng glanced at it, and it was already a prepared dish.

Shaking his head, "No, when I was at home, it was much scarier than it is now. I really didn't bother to do it. It's not good to do something. Let me do it myself, which is equivalent to killing me. That's the scariest thing." of."

It's not that I didn't think about it at all before, but I thought about it for a long time, and then I realized that maybe even if I was given the opportunity, when I came to him, I still couldn't think of anything.

When Xiao Muchen heard what they said, he knew what was going on, and he really didn't need to doubt it at all.

It's really what they do, and there is no need to question it at all.

I still remember that at the beginning, I felt that when they did things, they were a little inappropriate. At that time, I thought that the problem was with me, but now I find that this is not the case at all. I can’t tell whether it is good or bad. , I simply feel that the opportunity may be placed on myself, and there is no one.

No matter how much you think about it, if you haven't experienced it, it's all just talk on paper.

What they want is not this, but when they think about it, the self at those times may only want an answer like hi.

Speaking of it, Xiao Muchen didn't even think it through himself.

Because it was at the beginning, I thought that none of them could cook, so no matter how much I talked to them, it was useless.

What I think about may be because I have more than now, so I can see many differences.

But after that, there may be a bunch of problems.

"Brother Chen, I'm afraid you don't know that what they think in their hearts is completely different from ours. Sometimes I don't know what to say."

"Not only do they not know how to cook, they may even eat the kind that is handed to their mouths, so this is what I lift up. Many times, it is useless to think about anything. In their eyes, to If you want to make yourself more useful, you might as well just play games, maybe it’s possible, otherwise, it’s useless.”

Ling Xia has been with them for a relatively long time, so he naturally knows what kind of temperament they are.

It will be really hard to explain for a while, and, on this issue, there is no need to discuss it at all.

If they tell you that they are already ready, it may be false.

Because you will believe that at the beginning, you have made a lot of preparations, and the things they are willing to see are just a past, but at this moment, you simply cannot believe that if there is really something If there is a reason, what will happen.

Even they themselves are saying that these are never too big a problem, but at this moment, no matter how you plan, it doesn't make sense.

I thought about a lot of topics, but in the end I didn't even open my mouth, it was over
They must have thought so deep down in their hearts.

That said, it's much better.

(End of this chapter)

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