God please lie down

Chapter 1761 That's what I thought

Chapter 1761 That's what I thought
During the holiday, I was not doubting life, but thinking about other things.

He will still understand, and he will understand, but when he stands in front of Xi Nuan, he will still think, this girl really brought him too many surprises, and made him understand too many things .

With her, in my own life, even if I failed to win the championship, there is nothing to regret.

Meeting her was like meeting my own future.

When she smiles, she is really beautiful, and people can't help but be fascinated by it.

If it is said that all the past will be changed because of one person, then that person must be her.

When I said it, I couldn't help being proud, and I also thought that if she was here, the little pride on my face would never be able to hide.

That's right, there is never any need to hide in front of others.

He will ask himself if he is ready, and if not, then don't think about anything else.

Sometimes, it is really possible to let go of things that don't need to be thought about.

Because in many cases, even if you know it, you still have to understand it.

Not everyone has an answer in their hearts.

It's not a pity to say it at all, and, at this time, you can understand it.

Don't ask for too much, just ask for this little, can't it be done?
Xiao Muchen's words are not without reason.

It was because he was young that he dared to be so unscrupulous.

He didn't seem to think about anything else. At this moment, it was almost clear in his heart, and then he could understand anything else.

Occasionally, when I come to myself, I just care about a little bit, and don't say anything else.

In other words, how many accidents will happen in this matter, they don't know.

Anyway, since you have thought about it, you still have to think about it clearly.

And in the rest of the time, even if it is my own story, at most, it is enough to toss so much.

The promise she made was given to her by Xiao Muchen, and no one can interfere.

As before, they had love and their own life, even if they didn't know it, even if they had ideas, it was better than not knowing anything.

It seems that when they thought this way, they didn't realize that, in fact, they said it a long time ago, even if they have a lot of thoughts in their hearts, don't say it.

Because you don't know, let alone understand, what you like about that person's mind.

Say it, and it could be bad.

But Xiao Muchen didn't have this need, nor was it necessary.

Xi Nuan obviously knew a little more than what he wanted to know, and she told him many times.

Don't worry, let alone think about what happened.

At this moment, even if it was all in his heart, he would not feel that it was his own problem.

Because of one person, I choose to face the world bravely.

It should be like this. When he saw the past, he didn't think about it at all, but it seems that in the future, he can't let go of such thoughts.

He still likes that person who doesn't understand anything.

It also seems that deep in my heart, a past is buried.

Meeting her was like meeting my best past.

There is no difference among the people here.

They have all witnessed their love and all their experiences along the way.

(End of this chapter)

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