God please lie down

Chapter 1766 Did You Think About It Long Ago

Chapter 1766 Did You Think About It Long Ago
The most important thing is to live up to the depths of time. For him, there are too many reasons.

Before that, I didn't think about anything, but in the future, I must study these things for a while.

In the past, he was not very good, and he never felt that it was best to be like this.

It was only later that I realized that the gap between her and this person was really far away.

It's a very simple story, but it doesn't seem like this, so it's different for her.

No matter how unwilling I was to admit these things at the beginning, I don't deny that they all happened.

But at this moment, he seemed to be a little bit unintelligible. He seemed to feel that in many cases, even if what he thought was a little different, it was only at the end that he could make her feel that this matter was indeed a disagreement. What I think is the same, because since then, she has kept a new one, so many things are a little clearer than what she thought.

At this moment, I probably didn't meet that requirement.

In the past, she didn't know much about it, maybe because she didn't come into contact with it a lot.

It's even more unclear what those people will think about this matter, but since it's ready, there's no need to wait until the end.

Even earlier, I thought clearly.

At this moment, he asked himself.

Moreover, in the usual times, although I am not very sure, I have definitely done this before.

Later, a lot of things happened, it seemed that she began to feel slowly, even if she felt that she had already lost this time, but as long as she could stand up again, it would not be considered a particularly complete loss.

She has always thought so, and has never rejected the goal of her own struggle.

Xiao Muchen was the person she had been wanting to wait for for so long.

For him, I can become better and better.

It is no longer like before, when I feel that there is something to say, when it comes to me, I have to say something.

Occasionally, when I see changes, I will become dazed.

It doesn't seem like he can think clearly by himself, if Xiao Muchen doesn't talk to her, she must need more time to become better.

Xi Nuan felt that this was a process of growth for him.

There are ups and downs in this process, if she doesn't give up, she is responsible for herself.

And at this moment, it happened to prove this point.

Before Xi Nuan met Xiao Muchen, although he knew how to think about everything, he probably wouldn't waste such a long time thinking about it thoroughly.

She just simply felt that if life could go on, that would be fine, there was no need to talk about everything, it didn't make any sense.

She doesn't know much about feelings, but she is definitely not clingy.

It is precisely because of this that after being together, some people will not like it.

For example, Xi Nuan doesn't like acting like a baby, let alone being particularly hypocritical.

To her, none of these things felt necessary.

It's not that I don't like it, but because I know that even if I do that, it won't become particularly good, so why bother.

It felt like they were just making trouble for each other, Xi Nuan thought about it, if this was the case, it would be better if they had never been together from the very beginning.

(End of this chapter)

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