Chapter 1779

In the past, what I said to myself was also the most true.

After thinking about what to do in the future, and thinking about my own life, I definitely shouldn't stay here.

Therefore, it is definitely wrong not to say everything so early.

But at this moment, you will understand that it turns out to be very real.

Moreover, earlier, seeing the facts clearly, I would have a more accurate answer for myself.

When I didn't know anything, seeing these things, maybe I just laughed it off.

But now.

I can no longer pretend that nothing happened. Speaking of it, I feel a little sad.

But I'm already used to it.

"Everyone will change, you should believe, sometimes, it just doesn't arrive."

"Why did I come to tell you this today? I just feel that if I tell others, they may not understand me. In the past, I felt that I could go a long way, but now I find that I am all alone. It's just a human illusion."

"I can't pretend that nothing happened. Anyway, you may not understand what I said, because no matter what, at this moment, there is nothing to ask for. I know what I should do , and even understand that, for me, this is not the best."

"But after thinking about it, these things should be thought about as soon as possible, otherwise, wouldn't it bring a lot of trouble."

Before I thought about it, I always felt that even if there was something about them in the story, it didn't matter.

But at this moment, I can't think about why.

Everyone's plan is different, including yourself, you will feel that even if everything is prepared, when you should be at a loss, you will still be at a loss, won't you?

What you think in your heart is that there are indeed many people who don’t know it, but that’s not the case, so you can make them give up on themselves.

In his eyes, doing anything requires a result, even a reason.

But later, they all began to know that after all, there were still many things waiting for them, and they didn't want to give up, and they couldn't just give up.

So I need to work harder. On this point, no one has any doubts. In the years to come, even when I recall it, I will feel that this is a very beautiful story.

They have fought side by side before, and they also know that some things can be chosen, and some things cannot be chosen, but after having it, they gradually understand that these things should be thought of by themselves.

Even if it is a story that happened in an instant, but before you find the result, you can only say that you don't know anything.

Thinking about it, I also think it is quite interesting.

After all, they didn't expect this at the beginning.

Looking at it now, I feel much better.

Never feel like you can do anything anymore.

Because if you think this way, you will have a purpose in life.

After all, I no longer feel that giving up on myself is the only choice. I don't know how to calculate it from that time.

But at this moment, it is just a simple realization that the original thinking of the people who have been here is nothing more than that.

He wanted to see the outside world, but now that the outside world was in front of him, he retreated instead.

Suddenly, I was a little uncertain about what I wanted.

I always feel like I have been preparing for a long time, but in fact, nothing has been completed yet.

(End of this chapter)

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