God please lie down

Chapter 1789 is persistence

Chapter 1789 is persistence
But remembering something is useless.

After all, in the end, if you want to make it clear, you still have to rely on some other methods.

At this point, she was fully prepared, and hoped that they would not care how much she had said or how much she had done.

I just simply think that it is right not to take all these things to heart, even if there are reasons or considerations.

Don't make any demands, let alone doubt anything.

In their eyes, doing their own thing is the best choice.

From this moment on, there have been great changes in itself.

I know they don't want to think about it, and I know they don't want to see it.

So most of the time, Xi Nuan didn't mention these things. Since she had made a decision on this matter, she couldn't read it like this, and didn't answer.

Anyway, I thought about a lot of things and asked for nothing more than that.

What she can consider, Xiao Muchen must know better than she knows.

That person is very smart.

Needless to say, at a certain moment, you can be sure that this is her idea.

So, I never care about the time of meeting sooner or later. When some people want to understand you, you will gradually know that all of this, at this moment, does not need any requirements.

The gap is not very big, and you don't have to think about anything else.

No one knows how many changes there will be in the future, but I hope that when I think about it, I can be recognized by others.

Prove that your idea is right, that's enough.

She has never asked others to do anything, which is unfair to her.

After all, when she was a child, no one told her what to do.

All the things were thought out by herself.

Now that I think about it, there is nothing wrong with it, but there is no benefit either.

Even if I think about it occasionally, I still slowly feel that no matter how timely it may be discovered, it will happen in a short while, and there is no requirement.

Her world, at this moment, also appears to be transparent.

I like that person, so much that I can disregard everything.

As long as others are here, it is the best answer for her.

I don't want to ask anything, maybe even if I ask, it's useless.

When I first learned about this, I didn't know very well what impact it had on me later on.

But now that I have understood the answer to the question, it will be clear that the original idea is only temporary.

If they really thought about this clearly, then what they saw by then should be busier than it is now.

All you know is good.

But what they don't know is fake.

Occasionally, sometimes, you may just see a little bit, but other times, it's nothing.

Not bad at this moment, what's more, everything you prepare is because of that person.

Believe him, this is not the end, nor the beginning.

There will be a lot of future between you, so don't stay in this place, it won't do you any good.

It took a lot of time to think about it, and it was a very long process until I finally became convinced.

But Xi Nuan didn't find it boring, let alone bored.

After all, for her, there is finally someone who can be her dream, but it makes her so unscrupulous.

That feeling is really good.

She didn't know why it became like this, maybe deep down in her heart, she was still a little girl.

(End of this chapter)

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