God please lie down

Chapter 1796 You Should Understand

Chapter 1796 You Should Understand
Including Xi Nuan herself, she was too lazy to think about it.

There's nothing to think about, like whether it's right or wrong, as long as I accept it, no matter what the consequences are, I won't bow my head towards the family.

After so many years, there is not one thing that goes with her heart.

After being a puppet for so many years, he should have his own thoughts.

So at this moment, all she can think of is to cherish the person who treats her so well, and don't let him feel that she doesn't cherish him enough.

People who are clearly close at hand, occasionally, can't be touched.

That feeling is really not very good.

So, not everything is thought out, and there is something that can be done.

For them, it is obvious that in many things, they have not yet met their own requirements.

From this point of view, the road ahead is indeed going well.

Otherwise, there is no way to think clearly about many things, if they know what they think in their hearts.

It must be saying that she is a wolf with white eyes, but it is actually nothing, Xi Nuan is used to it.

Most of the time, if you don't listen, it's your own fault.

And never caring what their opinion looks like, whether it is good or bad for me.

I just want to listen to their wishes, and I don't know what to do when there are so many things left.

But now that I think about it, it doesn't matter anymore. Anyway, it's all in the past. No matter how you bring it up, she will seem a little indifferent at this moment.

It's not that she doesn't understand, and it's not that she doesn't know, it's just that after simply thinking about it, she suddenly became very sober and began to slowly understand that if it wasn't her choice, then it would be useless for them to do anything.

This time, I made up my mind.

What has been said will never be taken back.

It's like before you like someone, you don't even know that you love him so much.

When he was willing to give up everything for him, it left a deep impression in his heart.

If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't say those words, and it's useless anyway.

Compared with when I first started and had nothing to return to, now it is really much better.

Because it may be that many things have passed. Up to now, some of them still have answers. In their eyes, no matter whether it is good or bad, they all need a reason.

When I think about it, I feel that there is nothing that cannot be accepted.

After all, they haven't thought about these things, so they feel that what they think is good.

But they have already forgotten that after experiencing this, there is nothing else.

At this moment, all the stories you think of are completed by Xi Nuan himself.

So she has more right to speak than others, and I don't know why, how they hesitated at that time.

At the moment, I don't even bother to think about it.

Even if the matter is in front of him, as long as he persists and the answer is like this, no one will say anything.

They will never understand, in their hearts, why they must do that.

So it doesn't matter if they don't know.

When young, everyone will have some rebellious psychology.

Xi Nuan is also such a person. She doesn't expect others to understand her, but most of the time, what she hopes is that at this moment, they can let herself take a closer look.

In this way, it is enough.

It can be regarded as mutual understanding, otherwise, there is really no certainty.

You have waited for so long, almost forgetting what you want.

(End of this chapter)

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