God please lie down

Chapter 1811 Does 1 have to be like this

Chapter 1811 Does it have to be like this
But she herself knew that she would not give up.

No matter what happened, she would never let go of the path she had chosen easily.

Even if there were a bunch of questions waiting for her later, it didn't really matter.

It's not that you can't think about it, it's not that you can't think about it.

After all, it was she who made the decision, no matter how much her parents played here.

She nodded, that was her own business.

It has nothing to do with others, if she chooses, she will definitely do well, and she doesn't want others to say anything about herself.

A person who can't even learn his own major well, how can he have any qualifications to say anything else.

In Xi Nuan's heart, he is very strict with himself.

I knew it when I first met.

As a college student, she has a lot of things to do, and she won't stop here. People with dreams are always very cute, aren't they?

Although thinking about it now, she was somewhat embarrassed, but at that time, she was really serious.

Perhaps occasionally, they would consider that they had hardly thought about how far the gap between this problem and themselves was, but once the facts proved it, it would be nothing.

Almost everything you think of is still the same.

But if I miss it occasionally, it is someone else's idea. When it comes to her, there is no reason, and there is no right or wrong to talk about.

She is whatever she thinks, and she doesn't need others to help her.

At that time, I chose to study because I knew that I still need to have a skill.

If she wants to gain a foothold in society, if she can't even do this, then what should she do for the rest.

Not to mention that at the beginning, I hesitated for a long time, but at the end, I will definitely not be so sober.

Speaking of which, it's just such a little thing, it's quite simple.

After all, it's not that kind of thing. In the end, you have to bear everything by yourself, which is considered a good thing.

Thinking about it now, I still feel that it's nothing.

Anyway, it's just these things, as long as you bear it, you can pass it.

At the beginning, I felt very unfamiliar with these, but at that time, I already felt that if I gave myself another chance, I would definitely not choose this major.

It is very difficult, even if it is not strenuous, but it takes a lot of time to learn and understand.

After that, things are also very simple.

But life was a mess. Xi Nuan didn't know what she was doing, or what it would bring after she did it. She was just thinking that at that time, she probably didn't think of anything else.

Occasionally, when some ideas stay in place because of one person, I gradually feel that what I did is really correct?

Why sometimes, she doesn't feel that way, but she feels that no matter what she does, she can't do it well.

There will be some doubts about myself, even in the end, they will be dispelled.

But these thoughts still exist in my heart.

She doesn't know whether it's a good thing or a bad thing for her to say, but she hopes that in the end, what she knows will always be more than the reality. If this is the case, it seems to be much better.

There is no need for self-doubt, and there is no such thing as self-affirmation.

She actually understood it very well in her heart, to a great extent, she didn't have to think about it.

(End of this chapter)

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