God please lie down

Chapter 1830 Years of Dust

Chapter 1830 Years of Dust
If you don't know anything, it's almost a lie.

But when thinking about it, Xi Nuan still felt that that period of time was very happy for him.

With this kind of problem, what is there to think about?

She is not a child anymore, she should have her own thoughts.

I asked Lin Wan only because she was not sure.

But at the end of the day, the two of them were still studying the method together.

"I told you at that time that you can do what you think is good. In fact, there is no need to care about other people's opinions. Didn't you do a good job afterwards?"

"Why do you suddenly think of asking me now?"

Lin Wan also didn't know much about Xi Nuan. At the beginning, she felt like she was well prepared.

But what happened next was different from what they thought.

If you really ask, it might not be that simple.

To be exact, none of them knew what to do, and if they knew, they wouldn't tell.

Moreover, your understanding must be different from hers.

Because the experiences of the two of you are completely different, Lin Wan doesn't want to.

In this kind of matter, at the end of the day, it still depends on Xi Nuan's own decision, and everything others say can only play a supporting role.

"Because I don't know, I suddenly thought of this, and I'm not sure, maybe I just want to get an affirmative answer from you, don't worry about me, I'm just a little hypocritical, I don't have so many complicated questions .”

Xi Nuan really understood everything, but when he said it, it was not very good.

Because when you first start, you don't have to think about it.

At the beginning, there were many things that were different from what they understood. At the end, that is, at this moment. And speaking of it, they didn’t say anything else. Besides, at this time, they didn’t say anything What's the point.

Xi Nuan herself knew it, even if she had figured out everything, the understanding she could get at the end would be different.

She shouldn't think so herself, but in the end, there will never be anyone who just thinks so.

Once she thinks this way, in the end, she will be the one who suffers. In this matter, she can't think of any more solutions.

For your understanding, everything is good, but if it is not practical, it will be of no use.

It is impossible for Xi Nuan not to understand this truth, but no one knows how many things she has been exposed to in her heart.

Moreover, Xi Nuan has been tossing outside for such a long time, so he has seen the scenery outside.

I liked that person, and became a lot braver for that person.

I did a lot of things that I didn't like, and I didn't have to think about what other thoughts I should have at this moment.

After all, I still have to think about it, if it were me, how should I deal with it.

After all, from the very beginning, no one knew anything else.

At the beginning, she thought of these things, but for the rest of the time, she didn't want to think about anything.

I feel that there is really nothing to do with myself.

If it were you, you would not know where your answer is.

If you use this question, you don't have to think about it.

Xi Nuan was well aware of this matter, but why did she ask, because she was not sure, and also because she didn't feel safe.

Even if it has already happened, it doesn't make much sense.

In her own words, whatever is fine.

(End of this chapter)

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