God please lie down

Chapter 1836 You Will Know

Chapter 1836 You Will Know

Xi Nuan herself didn't feel that these things constituted any difficulties for her.

Because from the very beginning, she just knew what was good and what was not.

Although no one had ever talked to her about this, in her heart, it didn't look like she didn't remember anything.

If you think about it, you might understand that at this time, even though you have grown up, there are still many secrets buried deep in your heart.

I didn't talk about it with others, because I didn't want them to know too much about things related to me.

Maybe even if something happened, right now, nothing would change.

After tossing and tossing for so long, what I thought was probably not this problem.

I have already said that, for this reason, you must think perfectly.

Otherwise, it will leave a handle for others.

Xi Nuan looked at Lin Wan, and then continued leisurely after a while, "I feel like I've taken advantage of the whole world."

Under normal circumstances, there will be such an understanding, but in fact there is no problem at all. If it happened when they didn't know anything, Xi Nuan would still have to waste some thoughts, but at this moment, all It's already on the surface, so there's nothing left.

You can say whatever you want, as long as I don't believe it, or if it doesn't matter to me, then maybe I don't need to hang up first.

These in themselves are not what you can understand.

In their eyes, there is absolutely no reason to do anything.

"What are you talking about? I don't want to listen to your words. What's wrong with our Nuannuan? It's very good. It's because he saw the cheapness."

Lin Wan didn't think there was anything wrong with Xi Nuan. They already knew each other when they were in college, and he didn't need to explain many things so clearly, because at the beginning, he didn't think there was anything wrong with him now. what changes.

As soon as I think about it, I will consider that the difference on this issue is definitely not just this one.

Speaking of it, it's just because you haven't studied anything else at the beginning, so you are still not sure whether it would be different if you were yourself.

If you don't even have confidence in yourself, then the rest is really needless to say.

On this point, don't think about it.

"You all say that, but I'm a little shy. Actually, I'm not as good as you think. I think I'm still quite withdrawn, because when I was young, my parents were not at home, and it was just me and the nanny, so Most of the time, I don't know exactly what I want to do. Instead, I give them the opportunity to make them feel that once I think so, I will lock myself into a world where only I am. "

"When I can't come out, I will also be afraid, but it is useless to be afraid. They still won't come back. What was I thinking at that time? I have forgotten it now, but it shouldn't be a good thing. gone."

At this moment, I am afraid that I have no other thoughts.

Xi Nuan also felt that at that time, he was too obsessed with everything, and there was no need for that.

But once I can't think clearly, I won't think so, I'm afraid that if I turn around, what I see will not be like this.

So the answer that can be given to them is only a part.

(End of this chapter)

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