Chapter 1844
Thinking of these, Xi Nuan felt that he was not alone.

Many times, although I was thinking, it didn't seem like I was able to know something else after thinking for such a long time.

Once you think about it, you don't have anything to do with yourself.

On this issue, everyone's thinking should be different.

I don't intend to doubt anything else in this way, I just hope that they can see that they are still working hard.

So they shouldn't give up, as long as they persist, there will be hope.

At this moment, even this little bit of hesitation was gone.

It's not that they haven't thought about it, but after thinking about it for a long time, they still feel that such a thing, even if it comes to their own hearts, it doesn't matter.

For a while, they couldn't understand.

Anyway, I didn't plan to talk to them that much. Most of the time, I was a little powerless when I faced these things.

"You, you are naughty, you need to know a lot of things, but it's not so easy to understand."

"Even if you have encountered so many things, it doesn't matter. Occasionally, although you seem simple, in fact, nothing has changed."

Lin Wan understands it very well, because she also came here at that time, so her attitude towards many things is different from others, and she doesn't expect them to understand anything. After all, they don't know this way of thinking about problems. own.

No matter what you think in your heart, it's all fake.

It's impossible not to be upset.

There are always some things that really can't be done.

Even after a long time, they dare not think about it.

Inside, they have no feeling.

Xi Nuan will also consider that behind this matter, no matter what you think, you don't expect to have any feelings.

All the previous reasons are useless.

They didn't think about anything else about this matter.

But occasionally, if something goes wrong, it's nothing.

"I really didn't think much about it before, but now, I'm gone."

"I can't figure it out, and I don't want to think about it."

"I always feel that what they think is too far away from me. If I don't say it, I don't know what they want to do next."

"Anyway, when I can't think clearly, I don't think about it. After all, it has nothing to do with me. I think it's tiring to do that."

Xi Nuan told himself this not once or twice, but after thinking about it, he still couldn't help it.

If it can be controlled, then there is nothing else.

At times like this, I can't think much about it.

There are always a lot of things, and the difference between him and himself is very far away. Even if he thinks about something, he may not get the result he wants, but when he thinks of this moment, he can say these words unscrupulously. Say it, and feel fine.

On this issue, there is really nothing to think about.

After all, the result is already here, even if you want to deny it, it is useless.

For one who already knows, there is nothing.

Occasionally, I think about these, but most of the time, I am doing what I like.

They didn't really think about anything else.

It's not asking for anything else. They won't get too far involved in this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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