God please lie down

Chapter 1858 will say

Chapter 1858 will say
Many times, although I have seen it, it is only at the end that I can describe it clearly.

Sometimes Xi Nuan is not very sure what she should say, after all, she is too far behind in thinking about a lot of issues.

When I think about it this way, I will somewhat forget what my answer will be in the future.

Calculated in this way, it's not like what I thought it was when I first started.

But at the end, some differences are too far away.

So much so that she thought about it for such a long time, but she didn't know what kind of attitude she should adopt.

If this is the best way, then it is always a little different from what I think.

How many changes there will be in the future, who can understand it.

Anyway, it is always better to say it than to not say it.

Then, even if I was given a chance, I couldn't think clearly. At this moment, even if I knew about it, I would ignore everything.

On this issue, what they think is very simple.

The rest is unknown to you.

No one has ever told you what to do at this time.

It's like you have thought about it from the beginning, and at the end, you may have understood it before you can know that the future can go very far.

But in your heart, you are still thinking about these things, which makes you a little uncertain. In the end, there will be a long distance between you and yourself.

If you think about it this way, the self in time has actually never thought about it.

When they come to them, they just want a result.

If you don't know, or if you can't wait, it doesn't really matter much.

It is not the time to do these things, and there is no way to know so much.

Many things in your eyes are just an attempt for others.

At this moment, they should know it very clearly, not to mention, they should have made their own decisions a long time ago.

It won't stay here, it's nothing more than thinking it's good, a story like this won't stop because of it.

Even if they think very little, in fact, the difference is a little far away. This is the judgment they should have when they first started.

If you don't try, you will never know what will be left at the end.

If you just rely on waiting, there will definitely be no results.

"You should have had a very happy winter vacation. I feel that you seem to be very happy. You even posted a lot of messages in Moments."

During dinner, Lin Wan chatted with Xi Nuan about some things.

It was just chatting, and I didn't intend to ask anything else.

There are many topics, there is absolutely no need to talk between the two of them.

Because even if it is said, it may not matter.

Occasionally when I think of it, I just ask, and it won't delay anything. Anyway, I just think that what you think can be found is good, and it may not be suitable for the two of them.

So simply, don't open your mouth, this is the best way, instead of thinking for a long time, only to find that this question cannot be asked.

After all, in many things, everyone thinks differently.

Lin Wan herself knows that, she has seen many people in this world, of all kinds, and is used to their faces, so she doesn't want to make others feel uncomfortable, so when getting along with people, she especially Pay attention to proportion.

(End of this chapter)

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