God please lie down

Chapter 1865 You Shouldn't Think So Much

Chapter 1865 You Shouldn't Think So Much

No matter what, you have to grow up. Even if you put too much thought into growing up, it is useless.

At the beginning, I still felt that, occasionally, I would realize that I had already thought too many things about being here.

But when you can't control it by yourself, you can't tell whether it is on your own body or what is left.

She doesn't have to think about the result, but she just thinks that if she can't even think about what she will experience in the future, then maybe it is not a good thing for her.

She really doesn't know what other people think, and of course, it's not within her scope of consideration.

Even if he thought about it, he would choose to pretend he didn't see it. There's nothing good about this kind of thing.

You seem to have made a decision about everything.

But when other people faced these things, they obviously didn't think of it.

So there is no need to doubt that there will be some tests for yourself in the future.

"Maybe, I don't know, but it may be that in the bottom of my heart, I don't have any idea of ​​wanting to grow up."

"I remember that a long time ago, I was always thinking about what I should do when I grow up, but I have to say that even now, I haven't thought about it. The future is for me. It’s not that I’m confused, but I don’t think so well for a while.”

There will be a family element involved, so a little unsure of what I can do.

The prospect of this major is still good, but after that, there are still many things that no one can be sure about.

Once these thoughts come to the end, there are different explanations, then there may really be too many reasons, and you occasionally think about it, they are all trapped in this problem.

There is nothing to say, maybe in the future, after all, there will be a chance to rethink these things.

But it may be a big change from before, not the same thing.

So you can't think about it, no matter how you see your future, you can think about it clearly.

In this kind of matter, no one dares to say that it is absolute.

Including Lin Wan herself, she had indeed thought about it.

But after thinking about it, I slowly gave up.

They really can't think well about this kind of thing, and they can't think thoroughly.

Even if someone else said something that shouldn't be said in front of her, to her, it was just putting all her thoughts in her mind.

It really doesn't matter what the truth is.

The way she thinks about the problem is not here.

But in the future, if there is any better development in the future, she can consider giving up something.

In this matter, she still has her own judgment.

"That's right, why think about it so much, there will naturally be future actions in the future, anyway, I don't want to."

"Actually, even if you really saw something, but you have to rely on your own decision to recall something else, that would be abrupt."

Xi Nuan shook her head with a smile, they are still sophomores now, but two years really passed by in a flash.

When they were laughing, it passed quickly, and no one could catch the tail. If it really looked like this, there was not much time left for them.

Think about your own future, think about what you will do after graduation.

(End of this chapter)

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