God please lie down

Chapter 1878 Occasionally Become Helpless

Chapter 1878 Occasionally Become Helpless
He himself couldn't give any better advice, so he had no choice but to throw it here and ignore it completely.

Speaking of which, before anything was confirmed, he shouldn't have said these words in the first place.

Xi Nuan and him are different after all.

But now, since he has already opened his mouth, it doesn't matter.

Before I speak clearly, although I can't see any good answers, when two people sit together and think, it is always much easier than working alone.

"Actually, I didn't come to you for dinner today to talk to you. I just couldn't hold back. You know, you are still my sister. I thought, if I can help you, that's a good thing. If I can't If it's up to me, then I have nothing to do, but now it seems that you may not need my help, I think you are doing well."

"Whether it's life or feelings, you can be regarded as getting what you want, which is much simpler than mine at that time."

In Xi Feng's past, there were quarrels with his family. In the end, no one seemed willing to compromise, but it was true.

I can't bear to look back.

Thinking about it now, I still feel that at that time, I actually didn’t do anything well, but I just didn’t want to choose to give up on this matter.

That was his dream. How could a person who stepped out would want to turn back.

Now it seems that they don't understand themselves, so they don't know why there are so many things waiting for him.

But the only good thing is that I have already succeeded, and I finally don't have to swallow my anger and wait for anything.

There is no need to wait for a judgment, let alone make them feel that they already have their own answer when they do nothing.

But in fact, it is clear that there is no such thing. When you think about nothing, it may not be the best for yourself.

This is what he learned later, but under the circumstances at that time, no one had thought about anything else.

It's nothing more than feeling that many times, even if you really come here, as long as you don't think about it, others will naturally help you.

In the end, whatever is left will be the same.

It is simply to wait until the end to leave these words here.

Sometimes, I will also consider whether I can deal with it in the first place if something really happens.

They didn't think about the remaining questions, but they wouldn't just turn around and forget them.

I will remember that at that time, everyone was waiting, some were watching the excitement, and some were watching the theater, but they didn't know where they would go in the end.

While everyone was waiting, he couldn't figure out what he had to think about.

Perhaps time had already told them what the result would be, but he didn't believe it from the very beginning.

I am willing to think that what I do is right, and I don’t want to think about their problems or any entanglements with myself, let alone, at the end, I am at a loss to find that it is not like this.

Once you think this way, you will know that what they want to end is what they said a long time ago, and I have gone too far on this issue.

I don't want to look back, and I feel like I can't see anything when I look back.

This is the last attachment deep in his heart. Speaking of it now, he would feel that he was a little naive at that age, but it is already in the past.

(End of this chapter)

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